by Stemedix | Apr 12, 2021 | Multiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Therapy
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a nervous system disorder in which the information that flows between the brain and body becomes disrupted. It’s estimated that at least one million people in the U.S. are living with MS. In this condition, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in the brain known as the myelin sheath, or the protective coverings for the nerves. This immune system attack also results in inflammation which can further damage nerve cells. Here is how regenerative medicine is used to manage multiple sclerosis.
People with MS can experience a wide range of unpredictable symptoms which may include:
- Vision changes
- Tremors
- Numbness or weakness in the limbs
- Slurred speech
- Fatigue
- Gait changes
- Tingling or pain throughout the body
Experts aren’t sure what causes MS, though it’s believed that a combination of genetic and environmental factors contributes to a person’s risk. Women are also two to three times more likely to have the condition.
Regenerative Therapy for MS
Fortunately, the outlook for people with MS has improved over the years. Medications are available to both manage symptoms and modify the progression of the disease. In addition, patients may also be able to explore options such as regenerative therapy to halt the progression of MS and control symptoms without the side effects that come with medications.
Regenerative therapy is used to trigger the natural repair processes within the body, thereby replacing damaged cells with new, healthy ones. In particular, mesenchymal stem cells could be used to repair and replace damaged nerve cells. These cells also have anti-inflammatory properties and can restore the myelin on nerve cells to essentially reprogram the immune system. Patients could then see benefits such as:
- Improved coordination and concentration
- Reduced muscle spasms and pain
- Reduced numbness and tingling
- Improved bladder function
- Better energy levels
- Better balance and range of motion
- Improved sense of touch and vision
- Slowing or decreased rate of progression
- Reduced headaches
Currently, patients may undergo regenerative therapies such as stem cell injections. These cells can regenerate lost or damaged cells, including myelin sheath tissue. They can also modulate the immune system to halt the attack on healthy cells, returning it to a state of rest and allowing the body to restore its proper levels of wellness.
Patients who have undergone stem cell therapy for MS have witnessed noteworthy improvements in the areas of neurologic disability, functional scores, and overall quality of life. Moreover, side effects are mild and generally include headache and fatigue.
While research into regenerative medicine to manage Multiple Sclerosis is ongoing, the findings revealed so far suggest that stem cell therapy and similar treatments hold considerable potential for helping people with MS and other autoimmune disorders.
by admin | Apr 9, 2021 | Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Spinal Cord Injury, Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell Therapy
Spinal cord injury (SCI) continues to be a significant cause of disability. In fact, it is estimated that annual SCIs account for nearly 18,000 injuries in the United States and between 250,000 and 500,000 injuries worldwide[1]. Additionally, an estimated 294,000 people in the United States are currently living with some form of SCI, with males accounting for nearly 80% of all SCI injuries[2].
Despite a large number of SCIs occurring each year, therapeutic treatment options remain limited and primarily ineffective. Recently, improvements in the understanding of the promising role stem cells play in the healing process have led to significant developments in improving healing and restoring function lost as a result of Spinal Cord Injuries; specifically, the therapeutic treatment of SCIs with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in animal models has demonstrated promising results.
Building off of the success observed in previous studies, Honmou Et al.’s recent study (2021) sought to further explore the safety and feasibility of intravenous infusion of MSCs is SCI patients; the study also explored the patients’ functional status after receiving IV infusion of MSC.
Specifically, Honmou Et al.’s phase 2 study delivered a single infusion of autologous MSCs cultured in auto-serum, to 13 SCI patients. After infusion, the study assessed the feasibility and safety of this procedure over a six-month period by using the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (ASIA) and International Standards for Neurological Function Classification of Spinal Cord (ISCSCI-92). The researchers also used the Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM-III) as a way to assess the ability of daily living after receiving MSCs infusion.
Although this was a small, early, unblinded, and uncontrolled study, the researchers point out that the intravenous infusion of autologous bone marrow-derived MSCs, expanded in auto-serum, into SCI patients appeared to be safe and feasible with none of the patients exhibiting abnormal cell growth or neurological deterioration. Additionally, and similar to what’s been observed in prior studies conducted on animal models, the findings appear to support the rapid improvement of neurological function within a few days after IV infusion. The researchers also pointed out this study had several limitations, including potential observer bias and potential improvements resulting from surgical interventions.
The researchers point out that although the specific mechanism for this observed improvement in neurological status is not clear, several studies suggest that secreted neurotrophic factors from MCSs might be associated with the rapid improvements. Additional studies have also demonstrated that IV infusion of MSCs in patients with SCIs might also encourage changes in gene expression that encourage functional improvements, an observation that was consistent with the findings of this study.
In conclusion, the authors reiterate that the observed safety, feasibility, and initial indications of functional improvement after MSC infusion support the importance of additional, larger future studies designed to examine potential efficiencies in patients with SCI. Source: (2021, February 18). Intravenous Infusion of Auto Serum-expanded … – Retrieved March 23, 2021, from!
[1] “Spinal cord injury – WHO | World Health Organization.” 19 Nov. 2013,
[2] “(SCI) Facts and Figures at a Glance – National Spinal Cord Injury ….”
by admin | Apr 2, 2021 | Stem Cell Therapy, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Osteoarthritis, Stem Cell Research
Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, affects over 32 million people in the U.S. each year. Characterized by a progressive degeneration of cartilage resulting in pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints, and most frequently occurring in the hands, hips, and knees, OA has no pharmacological, biological, or surgical treatment to prevent progression of the condition. The authors of this case report focus specifically on potential treatment options for OA of the knee.
With the emergence of stem cell-based therapies for a multitude of health conditions, stem cells, and specifically mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), have demonstrated immunosuppressive activities that could prove beneficial in supporting the regeneration of cartilage tissue in and around joints in the body.
Research has demonstrated that MSCs are effective in differentiating into essential connective tissues like fat, cartilage, and bone; MSCs have also demonstrated immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects, the ability to self-renew, and plasticity, making MSCs a potentially powerful treatment of OA in the knee (and other parts of the body).
This specific case study details cartilage regeneration in the knee of a 47-year-old woman diagnosed with OA when treated with bone marrow-derived MSC cells. For the course of this treatment, autologous MSCs were collected from bone marrow harvested from the iliac crest. After processing and preparing the MSCs, the sample was confirmed to be free of microbial contamination and was prepared and transplanted into the patient’s knee joint.
Periodic follow-ups with the patient revealed no local or systemic adverse events associated with the MSC transplant procedure. The authors of this case report found that the patient’s functional status of her knee, the number of stairs she could climb, reported pain on a visual analog scale, and walking distance all improved in the two months following the MSC transplant procedure.
Additionally, twelve months after the transplant, the patient demonstrated a positive change in WOMAC (3 to 2), a continued increase in the number of stairs climbed (5 increasing to 50), and visual analog (80 mm to 11 mm). The patient also demonstrated improved gelling (or the amount of time it takes for synovial fluid to thicken as a result of rest) in the knee from 8 minutes to 30 minutes; knee flexion also increased 20° (100° to 120°). Periodic MRIs taken after the transplant procedure demonstrated an extension of the repaired tissue over the subchondral bone.
Mehrabani, et al. conclude that MSC transplantation for treating OA in the knee appears to be a simple, safe, effective, and reliable treatment option that has demonstrated pain relief, improved quality of life, and significantly improved quality of cartilage without hospitalization, pharmaceuticals, or surgery.
Source: (n.d.). The Healing Effect of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells … – NCBI – NIH.; from
by Stemedix | Mar 22, 2021 | Stem Cell Therapy, Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal stenosis occurs when the spaces within the spine narrow, resulting in pressure on the nerves running through the spinal column. The condition often develops in the lower back (lumbar stenosis) or neck (cervical stenosis).
People with spinal stenosis may not experience any symptoms, while others have pain, muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling. The condition is typically a result of osteoarthritis, the wear-and-tear deterioration of joints that occurs over time. Some doctors may recommend surgery to create additional space for the nerves.
Spinal Stenosis Symptoms
The symptoms of spinal stenosis may vary based on where the issue is located.
Symptoms of Cervical Stenosis
With stenosis of the upper spine or neck region, patients often experience:
- Weakness in the extremities, such as a hand, foot, arm, or leg
- Balance issues
- Numbness or tingling in the extremities
- Neck pain
- Bowel or bladder issues in extreme cases
Symptoms of Lumbar Stenosis
When stenosis occurs in the lower back, patients may have:
- Weakness or numbness in the foot or leg
- Pain or cramping in one or both legs while walking or after long periods of standing
- Back pain
Causes of Spinal Stenosis
Some people are naturally born with a narrow spinal canal, but in many cases, spinal stenosis is a result of outside factors that have caused the narrowing. Possible reasons for stenosis may include:
- A herniated disk: The soft cushions between vertebrae often dry out and are less able to absorb shock over time. If a disk’s exterior cracks, the material may escape and put pressure on the nerves or spinal cord.
- Bone overgrowth: Osteoarthritis is commonly associated with bone spurs, which can make their way into the spinal canal. Paget’s disease, a bone disorder, can also result in bone overgrowth.
- Ligament thickening: The cords that hold the spine together may thicken over time, bulging into the spinal column and creating pressure on nerves.
- Spinal injuries: Trauma caused by car accidents and other injuries can damage the vertebrae, leading to issues such as displaced bone or fractures that can impact the spinal canal. Also, the swelling of tissue following back surgery can put pressure on the nerves in the spine.
- Tumors: Development of tumors in the spinal cord’s membranes can also occur, though they are uncommon.
In addition to these causes, certain factors also increase a person’s risk for spinal stenosis. Being over the age of 50, experiencing a back injury, and having a congenital spinal deformity such as scoliosis are all considered risk factors. Genetic diseases that impact bone or muscle development can also lead to spinal stenosis. If you want to learn more then contact a care coordinator today!
by admin | Mar 19, 2021 | Stem Cell Therapy, Autoimmune, Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Autoimmune diseases occur as a result of the body’s natural immune system mistakenly attacking and damaging healthy, normal cells and tissue. Currently, an estimated 60 different autoimmune diseases affect between 5 and 8 percent of the U.S. population[1]; making it one of the largest disease burdens faced today.
Divided into two distinct categories, autoimmune diseases are typically classified as organ-specific or systemic autoimmune diseases. Systemic autoimmune diseases include systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, and polymyositis; organ-specific autoimmune diseases include Hashimoto thyroiditis, Graves disease, type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes, and pernicious anemia.
Currently, most cases of autoimmune disease are treated with corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, and/or methotrexate. While all of these medications have been demonstrated to be effective in treating autoimmune disease in some capacity, improvement is not universal; these medications have also been associated with known toxicities.
As research continues to explore the immune system and various autoimmune disorders, it appears that adult stem cells offer promise for effective, non-pharmacological treatment of autoimmune disease.
The author of this review points out that while many animal studies exploring the potential benefits of autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells (HSCT) exist, the danger associated with allogeneic bone marrow transplants has limited studying these transplants to only those subjects with severe autoimmune disorders that are not responding to other, more proven treatments.
The review also focuses on the treatment of autoimmune disease with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Specifically, the author points to several in vitro studies demonstrating the immunomodulatory properties of MSCs as well as their immunosuppressive effects on MHC-mismatched lymphocyte proliferation. This form of MSC transplantation produces relatively short effects but has proven to be profoundly different from HSCT. Specifically, this procedure does not require the patient to be immunosuppressed in advance of transplantation and produces a therapeutic effect in the affected organ as a result of the homing of MSCs. Studies have demonstrated that MSC transplant has reversed multiorgan dysfunction in SLE mice and humans while also demonstrating stable 12 – 18-month disease remission. As a result, further clinical trials exploring autologous bone marrow MSC (BM-MSC) are currently ongoing.
With the difficulty and risk associated with BM-MSC transplantation, the author points out that since adipose tissue is readily available and easily obtainable, adipose tissue-derived MSC (AT-MSC) are being explored for their potential as a regenerative treatment and wound healing option. Early studies have demonstrated AT-MSC to have immunosuppressive properties that reduce experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), decrease spinal cord inflammation, and significantly ameliorate the severity of colitis and arthritis. In fact, there is convincing evidence indicating that AT-MSC transplant produces therapeutic results comparable to MSCs derived from bone marrow.
At the same time, gene therapy research exploring the use of stem cells as a vehicle in autoimmune disease demonstrated delivery of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) genes in an animal model of multiple sclerosis using bone marrow stem cells and human insulin gene transfected BM-MSC therapy in murine type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes has demonstrated positive results, including decreased blood glucose level, improved secretion of human insulin in serum and liver, and delayed onset and clinical severity of EAE.
As research continues to explore the benefits of adult stem cell therapy for the treatment of autoimmune disease, and with genetic therapy showing promising treatment options, researchers are optimistic of the benefits provided through a combination of stem cell and gene therapy.
Source: (n.d.). Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Disease – NCBI – NIH. Retrieved from
[1] “Autoimmune Disease – National Stem Cell Foundation.” Accessed 9 Mar. 2021.
by Stemedix | Mar 15, 2021 | Traumatic Brain Injury, Stem Cell Therapy
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) occur from an outside force, and are commonly caused by sports injuries and car accidents. In many cases, symptoms can improve over time with the help of therapy. In some cases, however, it’s possible for symptoms to worsen over time. Here’s a closer look at why some cases improve and others appear to decline.
Secondary Brain Injury: In certain patients, complications develop after the initial injury, such as an infection or hematoma. The injury may also cut off blood to the brain, causing brain cells to die. The effects of these secondary brain injuries may not appear right away, which is why some patients’ symptoms seem to worsen over time.
Chemical Events: A brain injury can also trigger chemical changes which lead to worsening symptoms. For instance, the patient may develop an abundance of neurotransmitters, causing brain cells to become overstimulated and eventually die off.
Failure to Receive Treatment: Lastly, if a patient fails to receive proper treatment to facilitate healing following their brain injury, their symptoms are likely to worsen.
How to Minimize the Risk of Worsening Symptoms
Experts don’t know why symptoms worsen in some TBI cases and not others, but there are still factors within your control that can promote optimal outcomes. Here are a few options to consider.
Attend Therapy
Many people recovering from TBI need a combination of physical, speech, and occupational therapy. These rehabilitative programs help you rebuild physical strength, support blood flow to the brain, sharpen your mental skills, and reestablish your daily routine. Most importantly, they keep the brain and body active and can help prevent worsening symptoms.
Keep Your Brain Stimulated
Your brain is a muscle that can benefit from regular exercise. If there’s a type of puzzle you enjoy, such as sudoku or crosswords, try doing some during your downtime. You might also consider music or art therapy to engage your brain. Stimulating your brain encourages it to produce neuropathic growth factors, which kickstart the development of brain cells. Of course, you’ll want to follow your practitioners’ recommendations and avoid overstimulation during early recovery.
Engage Your Neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity is the mechanism the brain uses to create neural pathways which allow healthy brain tissue to take on functions the damaged portions can no longer accommodate. Repetition is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to engage neuroplasticity. Thus, if there’s a skill you want to remaster, you’ll need to practice it often. Over time, it will start to become easier.
Get Support
TBI recovery can be frustrating, especially if you’ve reached a plateau. Support groups are available to encourage you to overcome plateaus and discuss the ups and downs with first-hand knowledge. Whether you choose to join an online community or meet with a group in person, you may find that sharing your experiences in a supportive setting is a great outlet for the emotional and mental challenges that come with recovery.
Although it’s impossible to say for sure whether someone’s TBI symptoms will worsen or improve with time, the steps above won’t hurt in either case. By staying mentally and physically active and pursuing treatments such as therapy, individuals who have experienced brain injuries can support the best possible outcomes in their recovery. Patients are discovering the alternative option of stem cell therapy to help manage symptoms and assist in the healing process. In particular, stem cells can slow or halt further brain damage and promote healing by reducing inflammation and achieving a tissue-protective effect. If you would like to learn more then contact us today to speak with a care coordinator.