Regenerative Medicine for Transverse Myelitis

Regenerative Medicine, also know as Stem Cell Therapy, for Transverse Myelitis is an alternative option to help manage symptoms.


Regenerative Medicine for Transverse Myelitis

Regenerative Medicine, also know as Stem Cell Therapy, for Transverse Myelitis is an alternative option to help manage symptoms.


Regenerative Medicine for Transverse Myelitis – Discover a new alternative to help manage symptoms.

With Regenerative Medicine Therapy, also known as stem cell therapy for Transverse Myelitis, your rebuilding process can begin.

Whether you have recently been diagnosed or battling this condition for years, this breakthrough in Regenerative Medicine may be a potential opportunity for an alternative option in your journey to wellness.

 Stem Cell Therapy for Transverse Myelitis

Studies have shown potential improvements such as:

Increased energy

Reduction or elimination of pain

Reduction of elimination of spasms, numbness, and tingling

Improved balance

Improved bladder and bowel function

Reduction or elimination of headaches

Transverse Myelitis

Transverse myelitis (TM) is an inflammatory neurological condition which affects both sides of a particular section of the spinal cord. The inflammation caused by TM damages the myelin sheath, a sleeve of tissue that protects and insulates the nerve cell fibers within the spinal cord. As a result, this damage leads to decreased electrical conductivity in the central nervous system, which interrupts communication between the nerves in the spinal column and the rest of the body. While lesions within the spine that spread progressively can lead to TM, the condition may also be caused by infections, immune system disorders, and other myelin disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS).

The areas of the body which experience symptoms correspond directly with the level of the spinal cord affected by TM. In the cervical region of the spine, for example, nerves generally regulate signals to the neck, diaphragm muscles, and movement throughout the upper extremities. Nerves in the thoracic region help control signals in some parts of the arms and the torso. The lumbar nerves relay signals from the hips down to the legs and the sacral nerves regulate signals to some parts of the leg, including the toes and groin area. Thus, symptoms of TM can vary from one person to the next and may include headaches, muscle aches, prickling of the legs, stiff neck, spasticity, disrupted motor skills, back pain, and paralysis.

In addition to lesions and other myelin conditions, Transverse myelitis has been linked to bacterial and viral conditions such as influenza, Lyme disease, shingles, and Epstein-Barr. In rare cases, vaccinations for infectious diseases including measles-mumps, diphtheria-tetanus, and hepatitis B have been associated with the condition.

Today’s Treatment

Today, treatment encompasses various forms of medications, including intravenous steroid therapy, pain medications, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial medications. If needed, physicians may also prescribe immunosuppressants, antidepressants, and medications to help with spasticity and bladder function. Physical and occupational therapy are also used to support the strength, coordination, and performance of daily activities. While most patients will recovery partially, some individuals experience a rapid onset of TM progress in their symptoms quicker, and thus require in a longer recovery period.

Regenerative Medicine Therapy

In cases of conditions in which the myelin sheath is damaged, Regenerative Medicine such as stem cell therapy for Transverse Myelitis may be researched as an option. Stem cells have anti-inflammatory properties to help regulate the immune system, stimulate neuronal activity, reduce the production of stress-associated inflammatory proteins, and promote the growth of nerve fibers (axons) at the lesion site.

Stem cells also have self-renewing abilities which can help repair the damage and demyelination in the spine associated with Transverse myelitis and similar conditions, such as Multiple sclerosis. Stem cells have the natural ability to promote neural connections and stimulate their re-myelination. In some cases, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, supplemental suggestions, and nutritional recommendations may be considered to help manage condition symptoms and provide overall health maintenance.

While there is no cure for neurological conditions, Regenerative Medicine therapies such as stem cell therapy for Transverse Myelitis are studied as an alternative to help manage symptoms. 

Regenerative Medicine is still considered an experimental procedure and not approved by the FDA. Patients must consider realistic expectations in their research and possible therapy options. 

Patient Testimonial

Please see the comments and personal videos testimonies on our website to see our patients’ experience and their personal journey to wellness with Stemedix.
Speak with a Care Coordinator today for a more accurate assessment of your condition and therapy options.

How Stemedix Helps You Heal

Professional Medical Care

Our Board-Certified Physicians specialize in regenerative medicine. They stay abreast of the latest developments in stem cell research. Each patient is screened and reviewed before being approved for therapy.

Advanced Therapy

Each patient is thoroughly reviewed to ensure their safety for treatment. The physicians will then determine potential benefit candidacy. If approved, a customized treatment plan is offered for the patient.

Specialized Care

Stemedix can help coordinate patients with necessary wheelchair transportation, medical equipment, and Care Giving services as needed during their stay. Your Care Coordinator is available for questions and assistance.


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