Pain Management for Fibromyalgia

Pain Management for Fibromyalgia

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, four million adults in the United States have fibromyalgia. It’s an often-misunderstood condition that leads to systemic joint and muscle pain, along with fatigue, making daily life very difficult. To deal with the pain the condition causes, it’s important to understand why it occurs. Learn more about fibromyalgia and your pain management options. 

What Is Fibromyalgia? Symptoms and Causes

Fibromyalgia is a condition that leads to pain and tenderness all over the body. It’s a chronic condition, though symptoms tend to come and go. During flare-ups, the pain can be significant enough to interfere with daily life while also affecting sleep, leading to mental and physical distress.   

During a flare-up, you can experience:

  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Face and jaw pain
  • Bladder control issues
  • Digestive problems
  • Insomnia

It’s not clear what causes fibromyalgia, but scientists have found that certain conditions, as well as stress, can trigger it. You are also more likely to have this condition if you have a relative who suffers from it. Women are twice as likely as men to develop it. 

People living with conditions like arthritis, depression, anxiety disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome are more likely to develop fibromyalgia. 

Fibromyalgia can affect people of all ages, including children, but it’s more common in those who are middle-aged. 

Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

If you’re experiencing symptoms, your doctor will likely perform a physical exam and discuss your medical history. There’s no test that can officially diagnose fibromyalgia, so your doctor will do what’s called a differential diagnosis — a kind of investigation that functions via a process of elimination. 

Your doctor may order blood work to check hormone levels and look for signs of inflammation to help eliminate other diseases. 

During the physical examination, your doctor will likely check for the presence or absence of tender spots by using light pressure. 

Most of the time, if you have generalized pain that lasts for three months or more without any other underlying conditions, you’ll receive a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. The pain has to be spread throughout your body to get this diagnosis.  

Treating Fibromyalgia: What You Can Expect

There isn’t one treatment that works for everyone. Usually, your doctor will try a number of different options, combining them to offer the most effective results. 

Your provider will likely treat the condition depending on the symptoms you’re currently experiencing. There are stages of treatment, though these aren’t treatment plans that can be followed in order because the condition can affect you differently during every flare-up. 

Exercise to Loosen Muscles

In some cases, turning to physical exercises, including stretching, can help loosen your muscles and ease some of the discomfort. 

Low-impact exercises like walking and swimming help build flexibility that can improve your movement during flare-ups while simultaneously helping manage pain with the release of endorphins they stimulate. Exercise may also help you get better sleep. 

Medications for Symptom Management

Over-the-counter medications can help manage pain, as can narcotics, though your doctor will prescribe these with care since they can lead to dependence. 

Antidepressants can often also help the process, easing some of the fatigue and pain. For those who have trouble sleeping because of fibromyalgia, sleeping aids are often a good choice. 

Heat and Cold Therapy for Milder Pain

In some cases, heat and cold therapy is also effective in managing some symptoms, especially if they’re mild. Alternating hot and cold packs helps the muscles release some of the tension that could be causing pain. 

Occupational Therapy for Everyday Tasks

Turning to an occupational therapist is a great way of finding out how to restructure your life when you experience flare-ups. This type of therapist can help make adjustments to your work areas while also helping you find better ways of performing certain tasks so that you experience fewer symptoms.

Massage and Acupuncture to Improve Range of Motion

Massage therapy is a trusted technique. It relies on the manipulation of your muscles and soft tissues, increasing blood flow and improving range of motion while helping reduce pain. For many, it helps relieve stress, too, which can impact the severity of the symptoms. 

Acupuncture is also helpful, with the needles affecting blood flow levels and even how certain neurotransmitters in the brain work.

Lifestyle Changes for Flare-Up Reduction

Making changes to your everyday life is an important way of helping minimize the symptoms of flare-ups, so try to incorporate some into your daily life. The right options can depend on your preferences. Some people turn to meditation, while others prefer to do breathing and mindfulness exercises.

Regenerative Medicine to Handle Inflammation 

One option people choose to try because of its promise is regenerative medicine

The variety of treatments available include platelet-rich plasma therapy and stem cell therapy, which uses mesechymal stem cells to reduce inflammation and help calm the immune system. This makes it possible to better handle symptoms when you do have a flare-up. 

Stem cell therapy is easy to combine with other treatment options and doesn’t require a long recovery period or the stress of dealing with side effects. Stem cell therapy and other regenerative medicine options help treat the underlying triggers like inflammation, so you’re not just covering symptoms with medications. 

Living With Fibromyalgia

It can seem daunting to live with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia, but with some lifestyle changes and an understanding of what triggers your flare-ups, as well as a combination of treatments, you can better manage the condition. 

If you’re dealing with fibromyalgia, ask your doctor whether an option like stem cell therapy and other regenerative medicine treatments can help. 

Choosing options that target inflammation and trying to get to the underlying cause of the problem instead of only masking the symptoms can make it possible to live a happy and healthy life with fibromyalgia. To learn more about pain management for Fibromyalgia visit our website or contact us now!

Phase 1 Clinical Trial Investigating the Use of Autologous Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

Phase 1 Clinical Trial Investigating the Use of Autologous Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

With more than 17,000 people in the US sustaining a spinal cord injury (SCI) each year and an estimated combined cost to healthcare and the workforce exceeding $40 billion, the condition has significant personal and socioeconomic implications. In addition, SCIs have limited pharmacological treatment options to support the regeneration of nerve damage.

Considering the limited treatment options for this condition, the field of regenerative medicine, and specifically the use of stem cells, has recently drawn interest as a potential therapeutic treatment option for paralysis resulting from SCIs.

In this report, Bydon et al. summarize findings of the ongoing multidisciplinary phase 1 clinical trial exploring the safety and efficacy of intrathecal autologous adipose tissue-derived (AD) mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in patients with blunt, traumatic SCI.

Specifically, as part of this report, the authors describe the outcome of the first patient with C3-4 SCI treated with AD-MSCs. At the time of SCI, neurologic examination revealed complete loss of motor and sensory function below the level of injury; an injury diagnosed as an American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) grade A SCI. 

After undergoing initial treatment, including C2-6 posterior cervical decompression and fusion, improvement in motor and sensory function was demonstrable. However, neurological gains plateaued 6 months after sustaining injury.

Upon enrollment into the CELLTOP clinical trial 9 months after injury, the patient’s neurologic status was found to be ASIA grade C and imaging revealed bilateral myelomalacia at the C3 level and at the C2-6 decompression and fusion. Additionally, an open biopsy of adipose tissue found in the abdominal wall was performed 8 weeks prior to receiving an initial intrathecal injection. 

After receiving an intrathecal injection of 100 million autologous AD-MSCs 11 months after injury, the patient was observed for clinical signs of efficacy at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months following injection.

Bydon et al. observed progressive improvement in upper extremity motor scores and considerable improvement in lower extremity scores at 18 months following injection. The patient also demonstrated consistent improvement in ASIA sensory score, including improvements in pinprick and light touch scores at follow-up after 18 months. The authors reported patient improvements in Capabilities of Upper Extremity score, quality of life (as measured by Global Health Score), and in physical and occupational therapy measures. Other than a moderate headache on day 2, no other safety issues or adverse events were reported. 

While further clinical trial is required, the authors conclude that intrathecal AD-MSC administration may be a relatively noninvasive and safe therapeutic option for patients with SCI to improve their neurologic status after reaching a ceiling effect in terms of spontaneous recovery.

Source: “First Report From a Phase 1 Trial of Autologous Adipose Tissue ….” 27 Nov. 2019,

Functions of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injuries

Functions of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injury is one of the most complicated and serious pathological impairments affecting the central nervous system. Since the human body is unable to regenerate and repair the spinal cord after injury, there is a high likelihood of suffering permanent damage and disability.

Often compounding the issue of SCI, secondary events occurring after the initial injury to the spinal cord significantly reduce cell migration and axonal regrowth and limit repair and regeneration. 

Recently, transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been shown to promote the repair of injured spinal cord tissues in animal models. However, as Qu and Zhang highlight in this review, there remain many unanswered questions that are essential for improving the effects of this MSC therapy. As such, the authors focus this review on recent information about the behavior and function of MSCs in SCI, the function of biomaterials to direct the behavior of MSCs, and the attempt to emphasize combinational strategies such as tissue engineering for functional improvements of SCI.

There are studies showing that the migratory and homing capacities of MSCs are closely related to their engraftment and regeneration ability. Considering this, the authors highlight the importance of having MSCs migrate and integrate into host spinal cord tissue. Since MSC homing toward injured tissue is not an efficient process, and to ensure a more effective stem cell therapy outcome, it is important that these transplanted cells be introduced in a way that increases the migratory potential of healthy MSCs to the site of injured tissue.

Additionally, while transplanted cells have been identified adjacent to neurons after SCI, the surviving number of grafted and differentiated neurons was too small to be considered to contribute to functional recovery after SCI.  However, data suggests that the ability of MSCs to secrete soluble factors or vesicles rather than engrafting and transdifferentiating might serve an important role in SCI repair.

The authors also point to studies that indicate MSC implantation could promote a therapeutic effect and functional recovery in experimental SCI animal models. The authors believe that this is a result of MSCs ability to differentiate into specialized neuronal and glial cell lineages after transplantation. While MSC transplantation has not yet been proven to be an effective and reliable therapy for SCI, additional studies need to be done before the therapy is utilized in clinical applications. 

MSCs respond to the local environment in multiple ways and represent the most promising exosomes for neuropathic applications. Qu and Zhang conclude this review by calling for more intensive studies examining the potential benefits of combining MSCs with nerve tissue-engineered scaffolds to direct cell behaviors after SCI, including growth, migration, and differentiation.  

Source: “Roles of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury – Hindawi.”

Exploring the Potential of Stem Cell Therapy in Addressing the Challenges of Pancreatitis

Exploring the Potential of Stem Cell Therapy in Addressing the Challenges of Pancreatitis

Acute and chronic pancreatitis are associated with local and systemic inflammation that is linked to a host of serious health issues. A result of the digestive juices and enzymes attacking the pancreas, pancreatitis currently has no definite treatment. 

Currently, it is estimated that over 6 million people worldwide are afflicted by acute or chronic pancreatitis with the number of diagnoses appearing to be steadily increasing.

The rising interest in stem cell therapy being used to potentially treat a wide variety of other diseases has led to interest in exploring it as a way to aid in the treatment of both acute and chronic pancreatitis. 

As part of this review, Chela et al. examine numerous studies using commonly used stem cells to explore their promise in the treatment of pancreatitis.

A number of studies are utilizing stem cells to repair and replace tissue damaged as a result of numerous gastrointestinal diseases, including acute and chronic pancreatitis. In the case of using stem cells, and specifically mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), to treat pancreatitis, researchers are interested in the ability of these stem cells to regenerate damaged cells and to influence the immunological and inflammatory response resulting from this condition.  

A significant issue that has stymied progress in the ability of the pancreas to self-repair and regenerate when affected by pancreatitis is the perceived lack of stem cells found specifically in the tissue of the pancreas. While there has been conflicting research into whether or not stem cells exist in pancreatic tissue, the research reviewed by the authors indicates that there appears to be a tiny amount of stem cells located within pancreatic tissue.

Considering this and considering that additional research indicates that other stem cells found in the pancreas appear to originate from bone marrow (BM), the authors believe the ability of MSCs’ ability to differentiate will support the healing of the pancreas; these include stem cell sources from BM, adipose tissue, umbilical cord, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).

Source: “Stem cell therapy: a potential for the perils of pancreatitis – PMC – NCBI.”

Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke Recovery

Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke Recovery

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 795,000 people have strokes every year in the United States, and about 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. Recovering from a stroke can be a complex process that involves many types of therapies, and one option that shows promise is stem cell therapy. 

Stem cell therapy promotes growth factors and offers relief from inflammation, providing the possibility of healing the damage the stroke caused. Learn more about stem cell therapy when used for the recovery period after a stroke. 

How Strokes Affect the Brain

A stroke is like a heart attack, except it takes place in your brain. It occurs when something blocks the blood supply to the brain, not allowing the organ to get the oxygen and nutrients it needs. If your brain doesn’t receive blood, its cells begin to die off or suffer damage, making it impossible for the organ to do its job. 

Your brain controls everything your body does, including how you move and how you think, feel, and communicate. The results of a stroke are immediate. 

The two main types of strokes are ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes. Ischemic strokes are the most common type and are caused by blockages. They can occur when:

  • A blood clot forms in the main brain artery.
  • A blockage forms in the small blood vessels deep within the brain.
  • A blood clot from the heart or another type of blockage travels via the bloodstream to an artery supplying the brain.

Hemorrhagic strokes occur when there’s bleeding in or around the brain. They can be the result of a blood vessel bursting in the brain, or a blood vessel on the surface of the brain may burst and leak blood in the area between the skull and the brain. 

When you have a stroke, the areas of the brain it affects determine the kind of issues you can struggle with. 

Some people experience weakness and paralysis in certain parts of their body, while others struggle with language and the processes of speaking or understanding what other people say. A stroke can even affect what your voice sounds like. 

Other issues you may experience include:

  • Balance problems
  • Incontinence
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Visual problems
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Feeling pain

You may also struggle with mental processes like memory, concentration, understanding, and perception. Strokes can even affect your emotions. 

Understanding Stem Cell Therapy: What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are the body’s building blocks. They are responsible for creating organs, tissues, and even your immune system. They are undifferentiated cells that can become and create specialized cell types. In other words, they can become any cell within the body, depending on where they’re placed. 

Stem cells can also divide indefinitely, either creating other stem cells or specialized cells. When used to help the recovery period after a stroke, stem cells can differentiate into brain cells. 

When they’re used in the brain, they don’t integrate and become neurons that reconstruct circuits. They instead start pumping out growth factors that enhance the recovery process, allowing new blood vessels and neurons to form. All of this helps make the brain more flexible, giving it a chance to recover after a stroke. 

Neuroplasticity is what’s necessary for people who’ve suffered a stroke. It is the ability of the brain to rearrange its circuits, basing the organization on your behaviors. 

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy After a Stroke

Stem cell therapy is minimally invasive. You don’t have to worry about procedures that require long recovery processes or force you to spend time in the hospital. When you get stem cell therapy, the process is fast and can be done as an outpatient treatment. 

Stem cells don’t just mask the symptoms of the damage the stroke caused. Experiencing pain after a stroke many times means turning to pain medications, which temporarily give you relief but also have unpleasant side effects. When you turn to stem cell therapy, your brain gets what it needs to start healing. 

One of the most important things that stem cell therapy offers is the chance to relieve inflammation. When you suffer an injury of any kind, including a stroke, your body’s natural healing process causes inflammation. 

This type of swelling, however, doesn’t allow a regular flow of blood to the injured area. Without the right degree of circulation, the damaged area doesn’t receive nutrients or oxygen, which makes healing more difficult. Stem cells help reduce inflammation, making the process of healing easier. 

How the Stem Cell Therapy Process Works

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been studied for their potential therapeutic applications in various medical conditions, including stroke. MSCs have several properties that make them attractive candidates for stroke therapy:

  • MSCs possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation in the brain following a stroke. Excessive inflammation is a key contributor to secondary damage after a stroke. 
  • MSCs can modulate the immune system, potentially suppressing harmful immune responses while promoting tissue repair and regeneration.
  • MSCs secrete various growth factors and neurotrophic factors that support neuronal survival, growth, and differentiation. These factors can contribute to the repair and regeneration of damaged neural tissue.
  • MSCs can stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis), which is crucial for supplying oxygen and nutrients to the damaged brain tissue.
  • While the ability of MSCs to differentiate into neurons is limited, they may contribute to neural repair indirectly by interacting with the local environment and supporting the survival of existing neurons. 

Is Regenerative Medicine Right for You?

Suffering a stroke can be devastating, leaving you with lasting damage and impacting your quality of life. Along with physical therapy and other treatments your doctor recommends, patients are exploring their options with stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy and other regenerative medicine options offer the opportunity to give your brain the tools it needs to start healing. By helping reduce inflammation and bringing growth factors to the treatment area, stem cell therapy provides the chance to promote neuroplasticity and start healing

Mesenchymal Stem Cells and MSCs-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Immunomodulatory Effects in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Mesenchymal Stem Cells and MSCs-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Immunomodulatory Effects in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a common multisystemic autoimmune disease that often results in multi-organ damage when left untreated. Currently affecting over 1.5 million Americans, the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE continue to remain unclear. 

At present, glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants are the most prescribed course of therapeutic treatment and mostly as a way to manage and treat symptoms of SLE, not the cause itself. 

Considering that the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE are accompanied by immune disorders including abnormal proliferation, differentiation, and activation and dysfunction of T cells, and that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) play important roles in the immunity process, researchers are increasingly turning their attention to MSCs and EVs as potential therapeutic treatment options for SLE.  

In this review, Yang et al. examine the immunomodulatory effects and related mechanisms of MSCs and EVs in SLE with hopes of better understanding SLE pathogenesis and guiding biological therapy. 

Examining the potential use of MSC and MSC-EVs in SLE treatment the authors found some studies have established that MSCs reduce adverse effects of immunosuppressive drugs and when combined have demonstrated distinct effects on T cell activation and bias.  

Additionally, Yang et al. report that MSCs are able to participate in the immune response in two distinct ways: paracrine effect and directly through cell-to-cell interaction. Since reconstruction of immune tolerance and tissue regeneration and repair are required parts of SLE treatment and since MSCs possess high self-renewal ability, rapid expansion in vitro and in vitro, and low immunogenicity, allogeneic MSC transplantation has demonstrated strong evidence for the therapeutic potential of MSC in SLE. 

Besides the ability to repair and regenerate tissue, MSCs, and MSC-EVs have strong anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, making them a potentially ideal treatment option as part of a therapeutic strategy for SLE. Considering that MSC-EVs have similar biological functions with MSCs, but are also considered cell-free, the authors point out that MSC-EVs could be the better choice for SLE treatment in the future.

Despite the potential of MSC and MSC-EVs, Yang et al. point out that genetic modification, metabolic recombination, and other priming of MSCs in vitro should be considered before MSC/MSC-EVs application for SLE treatment. The authors also recommend further clinical evaluation of the time of infusion, appropriate dosage, interval of treatment, and long-term safety of MSC/MSC-EVs in the treatment of SLE before any form of the combination is used as a treatment option.

Source: “Immunomodulatory Effect of MSCs and MSCs-Derived Extracellular ….” 16 Sep. 2021,

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