Stem Cells Can Act as Carriers for Therapies

Stem Cells Can Act as Carriers for Therapies

Evidence has been accumulating for years showing how stem cells can serve therapeutic functions. Much of this research focuses on how stem cells can be applied to damaged tissue to help regenerate the area. Because stem cells can differentiate into a wide variety of cell types, they can be widely utilized to repair distinct types of tissue. However, a recent paper published in the World Journal of Stem Cells has described how stem cells can also be used to carry therapeutic agents to tissues and organs to help with regeneration.

Stem cells are good candidates for delivering genes, proteins, and small molecules to areas of interest because they have an innate ability to migrate to sites of injury. One challenge for using stem cells for this type of therapeutic delivery is how to load the stem cells with the therapeutic agents. There are pros and cons for the techniques that have been investigated.

Polymeric nanoparticles, are FDA approved and are versatile, uploaded efficiently, and biocompatible. However, it is hard to control the release of the therapeutic agent from the stem cells. Magnetic nanoparticles are not associated with high levels of toxicity and are efficient with loading. However, they can induce oxidative stress in carrier cells.

Silica nanoparticles have quick uptake, are non-toxic, stay within cells for a long time, and are versatile. However, their tendency to stay within cells for a long time can sometimes be a disadvantage when the agent needs to be cleared.

Liposomal nanoparticles are relatively easy to manufacture and are versatile in their therapeutic agent delivery. However, these nanoparticles are less efficient at uptake and need higher concentrations of the therapeutic agent loaded, which can be toxic to cells.

Once stem cells are loaded with bioactive molecules, there are a few ways that they can be guided toward target organs. For instance, they can be systemically infused so that they can migrate to their target areas trough blood flow.

Further research will help to clarify how well stem cells can be used to help deliver therapeutic agents to damaged or impaired tissue. Investigation into the different nanoparticles, stem cells, and potential therapeutic applications will help us better understand the extent to which stem cells can be used in regenerative medicine.

Using Stem Cell Exosomes to Make Nerve Cells

Using Stem Cell Exosomes to Make Nerve Cells

Spinal cord injury is the second leading cause of paralysis in the United States. When the spinal cord is severely injured, nerve cells in the spinal cord are damaged or destroyed. Also, a sort of scar forms in the affected area, which prevents nerve signals from traveling between the brain and the extremities. Consequently, people who sustain spinal cord injuries suffer from paralysis. The degree of paralysis depends on the location of the spinal cord injury; injuries higher on the spinal cord such as the neck or upper back area can lead to paralysis of all four limbs, for example. In almost all cases, the paralysis is permanent once it occurs, because nerve cells in the spinal cord do not regenerate.

Because spinal cord injuries are common and the consequences are usually permanent, researchers have been aggressively and tirelessly researching ways to treat this condition. One approach is to try to form new nerve cells in the spinal cord using stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells can become new nerve cells given the right set of circumstances. Unfortunately, simply injecting mesenchymal stem cells into patients with severe spinal cord injuries cannot reverse paralysis. On the other hand, using exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells may be the push that stem cells need to become nerve cells in the spinal cord.

Exosomes are tiny packets of cellular material released by stem cells. They contain a variety of potentially beneficial substances; perhaps the most important in cell regeneration is micro RNA (miRNA). miRNA can cause complex changes in cells that simple drugs, proteins, or even regular RNA cannot. Researchers cannot easily deliver miRNA to where it is needed in the body, but exosomes taken from stem cells can deliver miRNA right where it needs to be.

Researchers collected human mesenchymal stem cells and placed them in an environment that would cause them to become nerve cells. But instead of simply using the stem cells directly, they instead collected the exosomes from those stem cells. Those exosomes could then be used to prompt mesenchymal stem cells to become nerve cells. Simply put, the exosomes drove the process more efficiently than the stem cells alone.

What does this all mean? Exosomes taken from the mesenchymal stem cells could eventually be used to treat spinal cord injury. Those special exosomes would magnify the nerve cell-creating effect, perhaps restoring nerve cell function to a damaged spinal cord. Considerable research needs to be done before this possibility becomes a clinical reality, but this knowledge helps researchers design targeted experiments in the future.

Stem Cells May Help Those with Paraplegia

Stem Cells May Help Those with Paraplegia

A couple of weeks ago, scientists published findings showing that implanting human stem cells that are embedded within the engineered tissue can lead to the recovery of sensory perception in rats. The recovery of sensory perception is also accompanied by healing within the spinal cord and the ability to walk independently. The stem cells used in this experiment were collected from the membrane lining the mouth.

These results help demonstrate the potential for stem cells to help with spinal cord injuries but also point to the utility of combining stem cells with other factors to enhance their therapeutic effects. In this case, the researchers used a 3-dimensional scaffold to enable stem cells to attach and to stabilize them in the spinal cord. By adding growth factors, such as human thrombin and fibrinogen to the engineered tissue scaffolding, the researchers also increased the chances that attached stem cells would grow and differentiate.

The researchers compared the effects of their stem cell implants in paraplegic rats with the effects of adding no stem cells. Whereas the control rats who did not receive stem cells did not experience any improvement in mobility or sensation, 42% of the rats that did receive stem cells became better at supporting their weight on their hind limbs and at walking.

While these results are pre-clinical and do not apply directly to humans, the researchers conclude that further research is warranted. Given the positive impact of stem cells on the spinal cord in animals, it is reasonable to assume that stem cells may also benefit the human spinal cord. Further research will help clarify whether these stem cells can be adequately used to help treat patients with paraplegia.

Wharton’s Jelly: A Gelatin-Like Substance from the Umbilical Cord May Be the Future of Regenerative Medicine

Wharton’s Jelly: A Gelatin-Like Substance from the Umbilical Cord May Be the Future of Regenerative Medicine

Wharton’s jelly is a rather unique body fluid. It is the connective tissue found within the umbilical cord. While Wharton’s jelly is connective tissue, it more closely resembles gelatin. Historically this material was discarded as medical waste; however, Wharton’s jelly has been shown to contain a number of therapeutic substances. Among these healing substances found within Wharton’s jelly is an abundant supply of mesenchymal stem cells.

One of the most intriguing features of Wharton’s jelly is that it contains a virtually limitless supply of mesenchymal stem cells. There are about 4 million new births in the United States each year, 5 million in the European Union, and over 100 million worldwide. The potential pool of cells is staggering when you consider only a small amount of Wharton’s jelly can contain millions of stem cells. Notably, Wharton’s jelly is usually discarded after the delivery of a healthy baby. If this material could be donated instead of discarded, researchers believe they have found an abundant, renewable resource from which to draw mesenchymal stem cells.

However, the abundance of Wharton’s jelly is not the most impressive feature of the substance. The stem cells found in Wharton’s jelly are rather unique. Perhaps most importantly, the cells are immuno-privileged. This means they are not readily recognized by the immune system. Consequently, the stem cells can be taken from the umbilical cord, purified, and then injected into a patient with little risk of the patient having an immune reaction to the cells. These particular mesenchymal stem cells are also interesting because they are relatively “primitive,” which means they have some of the same properties of embryonic stem cells. However, Wharton’s jelly can be obtained without controversy, while harvesting embryonic stem cells from aborted tissue remain highly controversial.

Stem cells taken from Wharton’s jelly are already being used in some clinical studies. For example, researchers in one clinical study injected type 2 diabetes patients with Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Within six months of treatment, 7 of 22 patients became insulin-free and 5 were able to reduce the amount of insulin they needed by more than 50%. Only one patient out of the 22 did not respond to the stem cells at all. The cells have also been tested in systemic lupus erythematosus, better known as simply lupus. Forty patients received Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells intravenously. Thirteen patients enjoyed a major clinical response while 11 enjoyed a partial clinical response of their lupus symptoms.

As more clinical studies are done on Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells, we will learn what other diseases can be treated with this once-discarded substance. Early indications show a very promising future.

Stem Cells Injected into the Heart Can Improve Blood Flow and Heart Function after Heart Attack

Stem Cells Injected into the Heart Can Improve Blood Flow and Heart Function after Heart Attack

People with heart failure may have trouble breathing, walking, and having a normal life. Current treatments for heart failure are aimed at making the healthy heart tissue pump harder (e.g. digoxin). On the other hand, treatments largely ignore dead heart tissue because there A myocardial infarction, better known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow through the coronary arteries to the heart is blocked. This usually occurs when a blood clot forms in a coronary artery. Since the heart is a highly active muscle, it requires a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to maintain its pumping function. When the heart muscle is starved of oxygen, as is the case during myocardial infarction, heart cells become dysfunctional. If blood flow through the coronary arteries (which carries oxygen to the heart) is not restored soon after a heart attack begins, those dysfunctional heart cells will die.

When heart tissue has been destroyed by a heart attack, patients are usually left with poor heart function. This can lead to congestive heart failure. One way to determine whether someone who has had a heart attack has suffered lasting heart damage is to perform an echocardiogram, or simply an “echo.” By performing an echo, doctors can estimate the heart’s ability to pump blood by measuring left ventricular function.

has been no known way to rescue it. With the discovery and use of stem cells, however, there is a chance that scientists may be able to rescue dead heart muscle and improve cardiac function.

In a study, researchers blocked the coronary arteries of experimental animals to cause myocardial infarction. Four weeks later, they injected either bone marrow-derived stem cells or adipose-tissue-derived stem cells into the heart. Impressively, blood flow significantly improved to the heart and heart function. Treated animals had substantially higher left ventricular ejection fraction, essentially reversing heart failure a full month after a heart attack. Shockingly, the researchers found that stem cells appeared to salvage dead heart tissue, meaning that the size of the damaged area was smaller after treatment.

While these incredible results will need to be replicated in humans, this research represents an exciting breakthrough in cardiology and regenerative medicine. The stem cell approach may be able to help patients who have had a heart attack, but could not get medical treatment in time to remove the clot.

Stem Cells Show Promise for Treating Oral Disease

Stem Cells Show Promise for Treating Oral Disease

The application of stem cells to treat health disorders, diseases, and injuries has been rapidly expanding in recent years. The breadth of their application comes from the fact that stem cells are undifferentiated and can, therefore, differentiate into all sorts of cells with different specialized functions and therefore have an enormous number of potential ways that they can improve health. A review published in Frontiers in Physiology covers the way stem cells can be used for therapy of oral diseases.

According to the authors of the article, adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells are the best types of stem cells to use to treat oral and maxillofacial defects. There are pros and cons associated with adult stem cells, including both autologous and allogeneic stem cells, as well as with induced pluripotent stem cells. For instance, whereas autologous stem cells can modulate the immune system, allogeneic stem cells appear helpful for malignant diseases, and induced pluripotent stem cells are unlimited in terms of their source and do not involve any ethical issues.

There are a number of potential sources for treating oral disease, including tooth germ progenitor cells, dental follicle stem cells, salivary gland stem cells, stem cells of the apical papilla, dental pulp stem cells, inflamed periapical progenitor cells, among others. While adults stem cells can differentiate directly into specialized cells or can be turned into induced pluripotent stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells can be driven to differentiate into specialized cells.

Clinical trials have been undertaken to study the ways in which stem cells can address a number of oral diseases, including bone diseases, dental pulp diseases, eye diseases, facial diseases, and periodontal diseases, as well as tooth extraction. The strategies for treating oral disease with stem cells involve sorting and expanding the stem cells outside of the body, mixing them with materials and factors that help them grow, and implanting them into the impaired region.

Future research will help to delineate the different ways in which certain types of stem cells can best be used to address individual oral diseases. Studies will also help to uncover the specific types of stem cells that are best for specific diseases and the protocols that should be used to reap the greatest benefits for patients.

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