Examining the Link Between the Epstein-Barr Virus and MS

Examining the Link Between the Epstein-Barr Virus and MS

The neurodegenerative condition known as multiple sclerosis (MS) causes chronic inflammation within the central nervous system. For decades, clinicians and researchers have tirelessly studied MS to understand the condition better and develop more effective treatments.

Recently, researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health concluded a study that examined the link between the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and multiple sclerosis. They found “compelling evidence of causality” between EBV and MS.

Researchers analyzed data from over 10 million active-duty U.S. military personnel during the study. Of these participants, 955 received an MS diagnosis while serving. 

Researchers reviewed serum samples that were collected biennially in order to check for the presence of EBV. As a result of the study, researchers discovered that soldiers were 32 times more likely to develop MS after experiencing an EBV infection.

However, it is essential to note that MS symptoms typically do not manifest until approximately ten years after patients acquire an EBV infection. Researchers theorized that this delayed onset might be partially attributed to ineffective MS diagnosis protocols, as early symptoms are difficult to detect.

What This Means for MS Patients

Currently, no effective EBV infection treatments or preventatives exist. However, researchers are optimistic that the development of an EBV vaccine or antivirals could pave the way for a multiple sclerosis cure.

In the meantime, patients suffering from MS should continue to work with their primary care providers to mitigate the impact of symptoms and slow the progression of the condition.

For those seeking an alternative treatment option, stem cell therapy has shown some promise for treating neurodegenerative conditions like MS. Stem cell therapy may yield several positive benefits such as a reduction in muscle spasticity, improved balance, increased energy, and reduced muscle pain.

Multiple Sclerosis Stretching and Balancing Exercises

Multiple Sclerosis Stretching and Balancing Exercises

What if there was one simple thing Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients could do every day to increase energy levels, reduce fatigue, and help prevent the chance of injury from falls? 

Great news—there are simple exercises you can do at home without expensive gym memberships or special equipment. Try these stretching, strengthening, and balance moves to help improve your overall wellness. 

Marching in Place for Balance

Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Contract your abdominal muscles, and slowly bring one knee off the floor in a marching position. Lift the thigh parallel to the floor if you can. 

Pause for a count of three, and slowly lower the leg. Repeat on the other side. Continue for five repetitions, working your way up to 10–15 repetitions.

Wall Push-Ups for Stretching and Upper-Body Strength

Stand or sit facing a wall, approximately two feet away, with your feet together. Place both palms flat on the wall with arms straight at shoulder height, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 

Lean in, keeping elbows tucked to your sides. Bring your nose close to the wall, and feel the gentle stretching in your calves and chest. Hold for one breath, checking to make sure your back is straight. 

Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat three times, building to as many repetitions as you can.

Single-Leg Pose for Balance

Do this exercise while holding onto a chair or table for stability, especially if you have problems with balance or are receiving treatment for a neurodegenerative condition

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your arms parallel to the floor, keeping one hand on a stable surface. Straighten one leg in front of you with your heel a few inches off the floor. 

Hold and balance for up to 30 seconds. Lower your foot back to the ground. Repeat on both legs for three repetitions.

Over Head Press for Upper-Body Strength

Use lightweight dumbbells for this exercise. If you don’t have weights, try using soup cans or full water bottles.

Holding your weights, stand (or sit) with a straight posture, arms out to your sides, and bent upward with your hands at ear height. Stretch your arms up, keeping your back straight and lifting the dumbbells over your head. Your biceps should be close to your ears. Return to the starting position. Repeat ten times.

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Stem Cells Can Help Patients With MS

Stem Cells Can Help Patients With MS

As one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis (MS) affects millions of patients. This progressive condition can cause everything from muscle weakness to double vision. Regenerative medicine is showing new potential when it comes to treating multiple sclerosis. Read on to learn more about how stem cells can help patients with MS.

What Happens During Multiple Sclerosis Flares?

In multiple sclerosis, a person’s immune system attacks the myelin of their nerve fibers. Myelin is a material that forms a protective layer, or sheath, around nerve fibers and shields them from damage. When the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, it causes inflammation and lesions that make it difficult for the brain to send signals throughout the rest of the body.

While there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, patients may undergo a wide variety of treatments to manage their symptoms. This may include physical therapy, immunosuppressants, steroids, and beta-blockers. Regenerative medicine, also known as stem cell therapy, is also showing great potential when it comes to managing multiple sclerosis and its symptoms.

Stem Cells and Multiple Sclerosis

Regenerative medicine works within the body at a cellular level, stimulating a healing response that can address certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Various types of stem cells have the potential to regenerate lost or damaged cells, including those that form the myelin sheath. This has the potential to improve the lives of MS patients, whose myelin layers have been damaged by inflammation. 

The following are three types of stem cells that can be used to treat multiple sclerosis:

Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs)

Haematopoietic stem cells are adult stem cells found in the blood and bone marrow. These cells play an active role in immune function.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are present in umbilical cords and fat tissue. These cells help promote the function of other stem cells throughout the body.

Neural Stem Cells (NSCs)

Neural stem cells are specialized stem cells that can repair the myelin in the brain. These cells can come from other stem cells, such as mesenchymal stem cells.

How Can Stem Cell Therapy Manage MS Symptoms?

Stem cell therapy can modulate the immune system, temporarily disabling the abnormal attacks on myelin tissue. When the immune system is no longer destroying healthy myelin cells surrounding nerve fibers, it can help slow the progression of multiple sclerosis conditions and potentially improve symptoms.

When patients receive stem cell therapy to treat their multiple sclerosis, they may experience some of the following benefits:

  • Reduction of muscle spasticity
  • Increased energy
  • Improved balance
  • Enhanced concentration
  • Decrease in visual disturbances
  • Improved range of motion
  • Reduction of muscle pain

While stem cell therapy has the potential to manage MS symptoms, it is still considered an experimental treatment and can not guarantee a cure. Although stem cell therapy is not FDA approved, there has been research to suggest it is safe and patients result in positive outcomes. Patients must have realistic expectations when choosing regenerative medicine for multiple sclerosis but it may be an option worth exploring. If you are interested in learning more about how Stem cells can help patients with MS, contact us today and speak with a care coordinator.

What Are the Early Warning Signs of MS?

What Are the Early Warning Signs of MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting the spinal cord and brain. MS causes the immune system to attack the myelin–the protective cover that shields nerve fibers. This attack can prevent your brain from communicating effectively with the rest of your body. In time, MS can permanently damage the nerves, resulting in disability. There is currently no cure for MS, but treatments are available to help manage the disease and decrease symptoms. Here we talk about the early warning signs of MS.

Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis: CIS

MS can be a difficult condition to diagnose early. One reason is that the symptoms present differently from person to person. The first episode most people experience is referred to as a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS). 

A CIS typically lasts only 24 hours and occurs when the immune system tells the body to attack myelin. The process is also referred to as demyelination. CIS may cause scarring or leave lesions that make it even more difficult for the brain and body to communicate.

The most common symptoms of CIS include optic neuritis (blurry vision, a dulling of colors, and eye pain) and numbness or tingling in the legs. Those affected may experience only one symptom, known as a monofocal episode, or multiple symptoms, known as a multifocal episode.

CIS is a precursor to MS, but not everyone who experiences a CIS will contract multiple sclerosis. However, if you suspect you’ve had a CIS, it is important to review this information with your specialist. 

Primary MS Symptoms

Once the myelin is damaged, a host of other symptoms may occur. Early in the disease, symptoms may be mild and controlled through medication and other therapies.

Early symptoms include the following:

  • Bladder and bowel problems (frequent urination, constipation)
  • Loss of coordination
  • Dizziness
  • Emotional changes, fear, and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eye problems
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle spasms
  • Sexual dysfunction (Loss of libido, vaginal dryness, erectile problems)
  • Overheating
  • Cognitive problems
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Gait and balance problems (trouble walking)

Primary symptoms can lead to secondary and tertiary symptoms, such as getting a bladder infection because you can’t empty your bladder completely or injure yourself from losing balance.

When to Seek Help – If you suspect you’ve experienced a CIS and are exhibiting early warning signs of MS, seek expert medical advice as soon as possible. Both traditional and cutting-edge therapies are most effective when started early. Regenerative medicine, also referred to as stem cell therapy, may have potential as an alternative therapy that improves symptoms without heavy medication.

What Natural Treatments Are Available for Multiple Sclerosis?

What Natural Treatments Are Available for Multiple Sclerosis?

MS, or multiple sclerosis, is a chronic condition characterized by the immune system attacking the body’s myelin. Myelin is the substance that coats the body’s nerves, so patients with MS often face issues with their nervous system’s ability to communicate. Patients may experience pain, movement issues, or trouble thinking clearly. There are plenty of medical treatment options available, but these options can be costly, inconvenient, or cause troubling side effects. Patients who are wondering what natural treatments are available for Multiple Sclerosis, may have difficulty finding viable information. With this in mind, here are two adaptable natural treatment methods that may show some positive results when incorporated into a comprehensive treatment plan for MS.


The evidence to support dietary changes is shaky at best. There is no evidence to show that one specific or specialized diet can treat MS symptoms. With that being said, however, there is plenty of scientific data showing that in theory, MS patients adhering to a generally healthy diet may face fewer symptoms. 

MS patients can potentially experience some relief by adding these kinds of foods to their diets: 

  • Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as some nuts and seeds
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains

Patients are advised to cut down on or eliminate high-fat dairy, salt, and saturated fats wherever they can.

Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements are distinct from herbal supplements, as dietary supplements are meant to replace or bolster naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals needed for regular body function. 

Though dietary supplements should not be seen as a cure or treatment for MS, certain vitamin deficits can increase the severity of MS symptoms and flare-ups. 

Here are a few dietary supplements that may help to mitigate MS symptoms:

While calcium is not directly related to MS symptoms, it can reduce the risks of osteoporosis, which some MS patients are at a high risk of developing.

Are Natural Treatments Enough?

MS is a complex condition that may require more conventional treatment intervention if the condition is progressing or to help manage symptoms. The options presented here are the easiest and most accessible for MS patients to undertake on their own. 

Many patients are also discovering an alternative option through stem cell therapy to additionally help manage the condition. Stem cells have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties to help damaged tissues and boost the body’s natural healing mechanism.

If you or your loved ones are interested in adopting natural treatments into your MS treatment plan, it is helpful to research and consult if these are viable options to consider. If you are interested in learning more about what natural treatments are available for Multiple Sclerosis, contact a care coordinator today!

Could Stem Cell Therapy Be a Breakthrough Against MS in 2023?

Could Stem Cell Therapy Be a Breakthrough Against MS in 2023?

In a recent study, researchers discovered a breakthrough against MS, stem cell therapy might be able to help individuals who have multiple sclerosis (MS). The study was conducted by Italian researchers and included a group of 210 MS patients suffering from aggressive cases of the neurodegenerative condition.

The study spanned over two decades, during which time participants received multiple stem cell transplants. Roughly 140 participants did not experience further degeneration ten years after starting stem cell therapy. The majority of the patients involved in the study were diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS, the most common type.

Are These Study Results Conclusive?

While the results from this groundbreaking study are promising, they cannot be considered “conclusive.” For instance, many researchers are still unsure which MS patients are most likely to benefit from stem cell therapy. More research is necessary to determine stem cell therapy’s overall effectiveness and identify other relevant factors.

In addition, this study is not considered a clinical trial. This is because stem cell therapy was not tested against traditional multiple sclerosis medications. All participants received stem cell therapy from different medical centers throughout Italy.

A more stringent clinical trial will reveal additional details about the efficacy of stem cell therapy for MS treatments. Additional research will help medical professionals identify who is best suited for stem cell therapy and when they should undergo this intervention. This research aims to determine if stem cells will stimulate the patient’s natural immune system so that it can begin functioning normally again. This could result is a breakthrough against MS!

How Stem Cells May Be Able to Help MS Sufferers

Human MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) are adult stem cells found in various body tissues. This includes the bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord tissues. MSCs have the potential to help patients suffering from a wide array of medical conditions, including MS.

Since stem cells serve as the building blocks for the immune system, this intervention could potentially stimulate natural healing. By injecting the patient with MSCs derived from bone marrow aspirate or adipose tissue, clinicians may be able to reduce the severity of symptoms. Stem cell therapy might be able to slow the progression of the condition, but these benefits are still undergoing research.

Patients suffering from MS and searching for a breakthrough against MS and an alternative treatment option may want to consider stem cell therapy, as the potential benefits greatly outweigh any risks associated with the treatment. If you would like to learn more, contact us today to speak with a care coordinator.

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