Exosomes and Their Critical Role in Stem Cell Therapy

Exosomes and Their Critical Role in Stem Cell Therapy

Much of the medical research and clinical applications of stem cell therapy have thus far focused on stem cells and their potential to repair damaged or diseased tissue that has not responded to conventional therapies. Though there has been a lot of evidence to suggest that the use of certain types of stem cells can be safe, experts have suggested that strategies for therapy using exosomes that can avoid the use of living stem cells may provide an even better opportunity to slow the progression of various diseases.

Paracrine secretions have been shown to play a significant role in the ability of stem cells to improve disease conditions, and exosomes are a key element of these secretions. From a functional standpoint, exosomes enable stem cells to transfer their genetic information to other cells residing in the damaged tissue.

Because these are responsible for some of the critical benefits of stem cells, researchers have speculated that the use of exosomes rather than stem cells may provide specific advantages in some therapeutic contexts. A review in Stem Cells International has provided a comprehensive overview of what is known so far about the potential role of exosomes in stem cell therapy.

Exosomes are released from a wide variety of stem cell types and influence the functioning of nearby cells and tissues. Their use  alone may offer better therapeutic results. Indeed, they have shown particular promise in addressing symptoms of many conditions.

Researchers are hopeful that exosomes will be able to help patients in new and innovative ways, more research is needed to determine the best way to apply them in stem cell therapy.


Reference: Han, C. et al. (2016). Exosomes and their therapeutic potentials of stem cells. Stem Cells International, 1-11.

How Exosomes Can Improve Stem Cell Therapy

How Exosomes Can Improve Stem Cell Therapy

Given the limitations of several conventional methods to treat a wide variety of diseases and injuries, stem cell therapy has begun to gain in popularity. The evidence supporting the field of Regenerative Medicine, which involves using stem cells to regenerate healthy, functional tissue, has indeed been accumulating in recent years.

There are a number of different types of stem cells that have been explored for their therapeutic potential. Mesenchymal stem cells have become a preferred option for therapy because of their ability to differentiate into several different types of adult tissue and to be transplanted safely and effectively into patients.

One-way mesenchymal stem cells confer their therapeutic benefits is through paracrine effects that are achieved by the secretion of extracellular vesicles, some of which are exosomes. Exosomes are between 30 and 100 nanometers (nms) in diameter and exist in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and other bodily fluids.

A recent review, published in Cell Transplantation, covered research showing that mesenchymal stem cell exosomes are therapeutically advantageous for the management of several conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, and stroke.

The review discusses, for instance how in models of Parkinson’s disease, exosomes have been shown to provide neuroprotection. MSC-derived exosomes also appear to inhibit inflammation in the context of osteoarthritis and also to stimulate repair in damaged tissue. Further, specific exosome biomarkers, miR-9 and miR-124, have proven to be promising in diagnosing the severity of stroke.

Based on recent research covered in this review, stem cell-derived exosomes have significant therapeutic potential. Though this review focuses specifically on the relevance of exosomes in Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, and stroke, exosomes will likely provide benefits for patients in a variety of contexts and will prove to be an important part of Regenerative Medicine.




Chang, Y-H, et al. (2018). Exosomes and stem cells in degenerative disease diagnosis and therapy. Cell Transplantation, 27(3), 349-363.

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes Promote Periodontal Regeneration

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes Promote Periodontal Regeneration

Periodontal disease, better known as gum disease, is very common. About half of all adults have chronic gum disease, and as many as 15% had severe periodontal disease. In periodontal disease, the gums become red and inflamed. The tissues that connect the tooth to the bone, such as the periodontal ligament, are damaged or destroyed. Chronic periodontal disease can even invade and destroy jaw bone. Making matters worse, as the gums recede, they can collect bacteria in spaces called periodontal pockets. Over time, these periodontal pockets can become dental abscesses. As the gums become more and more diseased, the affected tooth or teeth may fall out.

The treatment for periodontal disease varies depending on its severity. Good oral hygiene including regular brushing and flossing can reverse mild periodontitis. A dentist can deeply clean, probe and disrupt periodontal pockets. In more severe cases, topical antiseptics or oral antibiotics may be required. Less often, a dental surgeon must remove diseased areas of gum and bone.

Periodontitis usually chronic and causes significant ongoing inflammation. Thus, the gums take a long time to heal. In many cases, periodontal disease can be difficult to treat.

Fortunately, dental researchers have been exploring ways to use mesenchymal stem cells to help the healing process. More specifically, they have been using the exosomes released by mesenchymal stem cells. Exosomes are small packets of proteins, RNA, and other molecules that help promote growth and tissue regeneration. Since exosomes are not cells, they are much easier to collect, store, transport, and administer to patients. Most importantly, exosomes appear to contain all of the things that make stem cells so powerful in regenerative medicine.

In a 2019 study, Dr. Chew and colleagues used exosomes collected from mesenchymal stem cells to treat rats with periodontal disease. The researchers noticed that animals treated with exosomes healed much faster than untreated animals. Exosomes taken from mesenchymal stem cells promoted periodontal tissue regeneration helped grow new bone and regrew periodontal ligaments. The researchers also found that exosomes were able to recruit new cells to replace the damaged ones.

This scientific research is an exciting breakthrough in the fields of dentistry and periodontics. Chew and co-authors have shown that mesenchymal stem cell exosomes could enhance periodontal tissue regeneration without any adverse effects. The scientists go on to state that these findings will serve as the basis for future “cell-free” exosome treatments for periodontal disease. This is certainly good news for the more than 150 million Americans with periodontitis.


Reference: Chew, JRJ. et al. (2019). Mesenchymal stem cell exosomes enhance periodontal ligament cell functions and promote periodontal regeneration. Acta Biomaterialia. 2019 Apr 15;89:252-264.

Exosomes Derived From Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Stimulate Skin Rejuvenation

Exosomes Derived From Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Stimulate Skin Rejuvenation

As we age, the appearance and structure of our skin changes. This is plain for all to see—we can usually estimate a person’s age simply by looking at their skin. Young skin is full of molecules that keep it thick, plump, and supple, such as collagen and elastin. Over time, the skin produces less and less of the substances. Consequently, aging skin is thinner and it loses its strength and elasticity. As such, the skin develops fine lines and deep wrinkles. It also becomes lax and begins to sag.

Scientists know that the quantity of collagen, elastin, and other proteins make the difference between young and old skin. Not surprisingly, doctors have been trying for decades to increase the levels of these molecules in the skin in an effort to reverse the signs of aging skin. Some approaches work for short periods of time. For example, laser and intense pulsed light treatments can stimulate the skin to produce these youthful molecules. Another approach is to directly inject collagen and other substances into the skin. The Holy Grail of skin rejuvenation, however, is to find a way to make the skin naturally produce more of these substances. Recent research suggests that stem cells could be the answer.

Researchers collected mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cords. This tissue is removed and discarded after a woman gives birth to a baby. The scientists then collect the tiny sacs called exosomes from these umbilical cord stem cells. Exosomes are densely packed with proteins, RNA, and other important molecules that are important for growth in rejuvenation. The researchers then simply applied these exosomes to samples of human skin to see if they could influence skin rejuvenation.

The first remarkable finding of this research was that exosomes taken from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells were absorbed into human skin. Why is this important? Because it means that if exosomes are used as a potential treatment, they can be placed on the skin rather than injected into the skin. The second remarkable finding is that exosomes, once they cross into the skin, are taken up by skin cells (human dermal fibroblasts). Once inside the skin cells, the exosomes take over the cells, in a way. They prompt the cells to produce more collagen and elastin than normal. The exosome-treated skin cells also attract other cells to the skin. We know from other work that more collagen, more elastin, and more cells within the skin leads to plumper, fuller, more elastic skin.

While clinical trials are needed to confirm this research, this work strongly suggests that the exosomes from umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells have the ability to rejuvenate human skin. Perhaps most impressively, these potential skin rejuvenating exosomes can be applied topically, such as within a cream or ointment. Thus, patients could receive the potential benefits of this treatment, while avoiding painful injections. Again, more work needs to be done before this research becomes a routine treatment, but the results are quite promising.



Reference: Kim, YJ. et al. (2017). Exosomes derived from human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells stimulate rejuvenation of human skin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2017 Nov 18;493(2):1102-1108.

Exosomes from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Better Than Synovial Membrane Stem Cells Exosomes for Treating Osteoarthritis

Exosomes from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Better Than Synovial Membrane Stem Cells Exosomes for Treating Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. About one in 10 people will develop osteoarthritis at some point in their lifetimes. As the condition progresses, synovial membranes and cartilage break down. Osteoarthritis causes people to experience joint pain, joint stiffness, and restricted movement. Knees, hips, and hands are common sites for arthritis, though people can experience the condition in virtually every joint in the body including joints and spine. Mild osteoarthritis may be nothing more than an annoyance, but moderate and severe osteoarthritis can diminish a person’s quality of life and cause substantial suffering and disability.

Despite the commonness of osteoarthritis, there are very few effective treatment options. People may take pain medications to help cope with discomfort; however, taking these medications every day can lead to unwanted side effects. Physical therapy, braces, walking aids, and exercise may have some effect, but their benefit is unpredictable, i.e., these approaches work for some people and not others. The only definitive treatment for osteoarthritis is to replace the joint with an artificial one; however, orthopedic surgery is expensive, associated with a long recovery, and is usually only an option after patients have suffered pain and disability for a long period of time.

Ideally, osteoarthritis treatment would be focused on restoring the structure of the damaged joint itself. For a time, physicians were hopeful that glucosamine and chondroitin could do this. These two substances are diminished in osteoarthritis, so the concept was to replace them and hopefully rebuild damaged joints. While initial clinical studies seemed to suggest glucosamine and chondroitin were helpful, larger, high-quality clinical trials failed to show any benefit. Nevertheless, the goal of repairing joints damaged by osteoarthritis is still a top goal. Now, however, scientists have turned to stem cells instead of small molecules.

Stem cell researchers are particularly interested in the small sacs released by stem cells called exosomes. Exosomes contain proteins, RNA, cytokines, and other substances that are important for tissue regeneration. Exosomes are apparently responsible for most of the clinical benefit of stem cells in the first place. Moreover, it is much more convenient for doctors to use exosomes as treatment rather than stem cells themselves.

To this end, researchers have been studying the effects of stem cell exosomes. One research group recently published a report studying the effects of exosomes that were collected from synovial membrane stem cells and compared them to exosomes taken from induced pluripotent stem cells. Synovial membrane stem cells are an obvious choice for treating osteoarthritis since synovial membranes are one of the substances that break down in the disease. However, synovial membrane stem cells are difficult to obtain. It is far more practical to use induced pluripotent stem cells since there is a virtually limitless supply of them.

The researchers compared exosomes taken from these two types of stem cells in mice with experimental osteoarthritis. Not only did the scientists show that exosomes taken from pluripotent stem cells were highly effective in treating osteoarthritis, these exosomes were even more effective in treating osteoarthritis then exosomes taken from synovial membrane stem cells. Exosomes from pluripotent stem cells not only repaired synovial membranes but they also helped replace cartilage by stimulating chondrocytes (cartilage cells).

Of course, this work will need to be confirmed in humans with osteoarthritis; however, the results of this animal research are very encouraging. In short, this research suggests that exosomes taken from induced pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells may be a convenient and effective way to treat osteoarthritis in the future.


Reference: Zhu, Y. et al. (2017). Comparison of exosomes secreted by induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells and synovial membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Stem Cell Research and Therapy. 2017 8:64.


Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exert Therapeutic Effects in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exert Therapeutic Effects in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a degenerative condition that is hereditary caused by mutations to a gene called dystrophin. The condition affects both skeletal and cardiac muscles, impairing physical mobility and leading to weakened heart and respiratory functioning. Current treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy aim to control the symptoms of the condition and enhance the quality of life, but there is no known cure.

Given the need for effective therapies in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and the success of stem cells in treating other degenerative conditions, research has begun to focus on how cell therapies may be able to help Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. Mesenchymal stem cells have been considered as an approach to this form of therapy.

Much of the research to date has emphasized autologous sources of stem cells that come from the patient themselves – such as from bone marrow or adipose tissues. However, a recent study, published in Biomaterials, investigated the impact of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells – which comes from someone other than the patient – on Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Specifically, the researchers looked at the therapeutic effects of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells.

The scientists found that using placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells may be able to reduce the amount of scarring and thickening of the connective tissue of the cardiac muscles and diaphragm in Duchenne muscular dystrophy while also minimizing inflammation. These promising findings demonstrate the potential to use stem cells to reverse the pathology of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and not just to address the symptoms. Future research will help to determine if regenerative therapy could have a meaningful impact on the course of this condition.


Reference: Bier et al. 2018. Placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells and their exosomes exert therapeutic effects in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Biomaterials, 174, 67-78.

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