Supplements for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Supplements for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Millions of people rely on oral supplements to mitigate the effects of joint pain and arthritis. While these supplements can provide some relief, it is important to choose the right products. A few of the more popular options include glucosamine, omega-3 fatty acids, and chondroitin.

If you or a loved one are struggling with joint pain, then you may want to consider adding these supplements to your daily regimen:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone strength. Inadequate levels of vitamin D can contribute to injuries and joint pain. Oral vitamin D supplements are affordable and can help you avoid these potential issues.


Your body uses glucosamine to maintain healthy cartilage. Since cartilage acts as the cushion or shock absorber for your joints, it is essential for preventing joint pain. Glucosamine also has anti-inflammatory properties.


Many glucosamine supplements also contain chondroitin. Together, these two supplements can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Chondroitin has been linked to better mobility, reduced pain, and less dependence on pain medications.


Omega-3 supplements like fish oil are often discussed due to their potential heart health benefits. However, they may also help reduce stiffness associated with chronic inflammation.


Curcumin, which is the active ingredient found in turmeric, has been linked to joint pain relief. This treatment likely works because curcumin has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Green Tea

Green tea is packed full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory micronutrients. As a result, it may be beneficial for combating joint pain and stiffness. However, more research is needed to understand its effects fully.

While all of the supplements outlined above can help reduce arthritis and joint pain severity, medical intervention may still be necessary. In the past, this meant potentially harmful oral medications or invasive surgical procedures.

Another possible treatment option is stem cell therapy. While stem cell therapy is still being studied, many patients have experienced benefits using this intervention. It has allowed them to regain a better quality of life while also avoiding invasive surgery or healing from surgery.

The Potential for Exosomes to Help Patients with Arthritis

The Potential for Exosomes to Help Patients with Arthritis

The field of Regenerative Medicine has shown great promise for helping those with a variety of chronic diseases, including arthritis. Indeed, data on the potential value of using stem cells to address issues relating to arthritis have been growing. While specific stem cells like mesenchymal stem cells have demonstrated therapeutic effects in models of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, the specific ways in which these cells confer their benefits are not yet well understood. Given that these stem cells contain different types of elements, it is important that research establishes which of these elements is critical to the therapeutic properties of stem cells.

A recent study, published in Theranostics, looked specifically at the different effects that small exosomes and larger microparticles from within mesenchymal stem cells have on the inflammatory processes that occur in arthritis. To conduct their experiment, scientists isolated the exosomes and microparticles from mesenchymal stem cells using an ultracentrifugation technique and then exposed the exosomes and the microparticles to cells of the immune system – specifically, T and B lymphocytes, which are implicated in arthritis.

What the researchers found was that, in their models of arthritis, both the exosomes and the microparticles suppressed the T lymphocyte proliferation that is indicative of inflammation. However, unlike microparticles and even parental mesenchymal stem cells, the exosomes were also able to induce other anti-inflammatory effects. The result of exosome activity was, therefore, more efficient blunting of inflammation.

These results point to the potential of not just stem cells, but specifically the exosomes of these cells, in therapeutically addressing inflammatory arthritis. While more research is needed to understand how these exosomes could actually impact arthritis patients, these data provide hope that stem cells and even just elements of stem cells will help these patients by improving their ability to combat problematic inflammation.

Reference: Cosenza, S. et al. (2018). Mesenchymal stem cells-derived exosomes are more immunosuppressive than microparticles in inflammatory arthritis. Theranostics, 8(5), 1399-1410.

5 Plants That Help Control Joint Pain

5 Plants That Help Control Joint Pain

Joint pain and inflammation are common characteristics of arthritis. While many individuals use prescription medications to manage their discomfort, other lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes, regular exercise, and herbal supplements may help as well. In particular, certain herbs appear to minimize joint pain more so than others. Although clinical studies on the effectiveness of using the following herbal remedies for joint pain have been limited, the research that has been performed is promising. The following 5 plants that help control joint pain.


The yellow spice commonly used in Indian food has an orange pulp within its stem, which is where the plant compound curcumin is housed. This powerful agent has demonstrated an ability to reduce chronic inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Yet, because the body can only absorb so much curcumin, its benefits may be limited.


Oils can be distilled from the eucalyptus plant and used for anti-inflammatory properties. They are also believed to hold antiviral and antibacterial benefits. The tannins and flavonoids within the leaves are antioxidants, which could help to minimize the joint inflammation and pain experienced in arthritis. Eucalyptus oil can be diffused or added to a warm bath, though many individuals have an allergy to the plant.


Hailing from the bark of the Boswellia tree, frankincense has an aromatic quality, making it a popular ingredient in perfumes and incense. It can be inhaled, applied directly to the skin, or taken as a supplement. The herb is also believed to prevent leukotrienes, the compounds responsible for inflammation. It has even been shown to be as effective as NSAIDs for addressing joint pain in conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but with fewer side effects.

Aloe Vera

Aloe is often the plant that many people reach for to treat burns, as it has both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Yet, its anti-inflammatory benefits can be realized by people with arthritis, too. The plant inhibits the production of inflammatory enzymes, which may help to control joint pain.

Borage Oil

The starflower plant contains seeds which are rich in an omega-6 fatty acid known as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). When metabolized, GLA converts into a signaling molecule which helps regulate inflammatory responses within the body. Certain oils with GLA have been shown to alleviate pain in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, but borage seed oil is believed to be the most effective because it protects cells from oxidative stress which could be caused by high concentrations of GLA.

While herbal remedies, unfortunately, cannot cure arthritis, they may make a noticeable difference in pain levels, swelling, and stiffness. For individuals who are seeking an alternative to NSAIDs or other drugs, trying plant-based alternatives may be a worthwhile therapeutic option to consider.

Can CBD Oil Combat Arthritis Pain?

Can CBD Oil Combat Arthritis Pain?

CBD oil has been appearing everywhere we look recently, and its popularity doesn’t seem to be disappearing any time soon. Known officially as cannabidiol, the compound is found in the marijuana plant and has been associated with a broad range of claims to boost health. Indeed, everything from promoting heart wellness to reducing acne has been credited to CBD oil — but is there really any evidence to back up these claims? While further research needs to be done to support many of these positions, one area that shows promise is CBD’s ability to relieve arthritis pain.

Arthritis: Common Yet Challenging

More than 54 million adults have been diagnosed with at least one type of arthritis, but it’s possible that there are many individuals living with the condition. Despite the fact that it’s very common, there is still no cure for arthritis, and it can be notoriously difficult to treat. Although medications are available for controlling symptoms, many have their own host of side effects. And, the pain caused by this joint condition can range from mildly uncomfortable to debilitating.

Where CBD Oil Comes In

CBD oil has the powerful ability to stimulate brain activity by interacting with cannabinoid receptor types 1 and 2, which are involved with the immune system, to decrease the effects of pain and inflammation. Yet, it doesn’t have the same psychoactive effects as marijuana and is thus considered a worthwhile alternative for arthritis patients seeking a natural solution without side effects for managing pain. The World Health Organization reports that CBD exhibits no indication of the potential for abuse or dependence and that there is no evidence of health-related issues resulting from pure CBD. But has it been proven effective for treating arthritis pain?

The research seems to say yes. In a study from the European Journal of Pain, topical CBD oil showed reduced inflammation and pain caused by arthritis. Research has also confirmed that CBD inhibits inflammatory and neuropathic pain, both of which are especially difficult to treat. In individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, controlled trials have shown that cannabis-medications can significantly improve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve quality of sleep.

If you’re experiencing chronic pain from arthritis, CBD could be the key to enjoying more pain-free days. Of course, quality is important to ensure optimal results, please visit our website to see available Charlotte’s Web products.


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