Regenerative Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction

For those seeking to potentially manage symptoms of this condition, Regenerative Medicine is a natural alternative option.


Regenerative Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction

For those seeking to potentially manage symptoms of this condition, Regenerative Medicine is a natural alternative option.


Regenerative Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction – Discover a new alternative way to help promote healing for both chronic and acute conditions.

Regenerative Therapy, also known as Stem Cell Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction, provides a natural option for those seeking a nonprescription option.

The following are potential symptom improvements with Regenerative Medicine:

Improved energy, vigor, and blood flow

Increased penile stiffness

Renewed morning erections

Improved sexual satisfaction

Renewed ability for intercourse and ejaculation

Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is characterized by the repeated inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. It can also affect a man’s sexual desire and create problems with premature or delayed ejaculation. ED is extremely common, and more than half of men over the age of 40 will experience it during their lifetime. While the risk of ED increases with age, however, it does not have to be an inevitable part of a man’s life.

Currently, there are medications available to help maintain an erection. Yet, diagnosing and treating ED can be complex, as there could be an underlying physiological cause behind the condition. Factors like smoking and alcohol increase the likelihood of experiencing ED, but other issues may also contribute. ED is also categorized into two types: generalized ED, which is caused by trauma or injury to the nerves which help maintain an erection, and ED caused by chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. These conditions can impede blood flow to the tissue responsible for an erection.

To diagnose ED, doctors first rule out obstruction problems and psychological aspects, such as stress or anxiety. If a man is identified as a good candidate for treatment, he may be prescribed phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor drugs, such as sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil, tadalafil, and avanafil. These vasodilators work by allowing blood to enter the penis and stay there for longer periods of time. Other options may include steroid creams, injectable drugs, and intrauterine suppositories.

Today’s Treatment

While medications can help to maintain an erection, they don’t address any underlying medical conditions which may be causing to ED. Moreover, some ED drugs won’t work for everyone, and many have their own set of potentially serious side effects. The most invasive treatment option is surgery. Ultimately, while medical treatment options can alleviate the symptoms of ED, the gold standard for treating the condition should be addressing its primary cause. Targeting the root cause of ED allows men to restore everyday function, maintain a healthy sex life, and promote better overall wellness.

Regenerative Medicine Therapy

For complex conditions like ED, patients seeking non-drug alternatives are increasingly exploring treatments such as regenerative medicine therapy. In particular, stem cells are emerging as a treatment with the potential for addressing the symptoms of ED. Adult stem cells are self-renewing cells with the ability to become other types of cells. Given their ability to differentiate into various tissues and encourage blood vessel growth, Stem Cell Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction is being widely explored. In fact, research shows that stem cell treatment for erectile dysfunction could improve erectile function in both the acute and chronic types of ED.

To treat acute conditions, Stem Cell Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction is thought to secrete factors that help cells rebuild and rejuvenate. In more chronic types of ED, as with other conditions, stem cells differentiate into the appropriate cell types to rebuild damaged tissue and restore appropriate blood flow.

The objective of stem cell transplantation for ED is to not only encourage the ability to maintain erectile function but unlike other treatments, to also regain the ability to have spontaneous sexual intercourse. This treatment is minimally-invasive and considered an outpatient procedure with very little possibility for side effects.

Thus, using stem cells reduces many of the risks that come with other types of treatment.

While there is currently no cure for ED, Regenerative Medicine therapy can assist in managing the progression and symptoms of the condition and is especially hopeful for individuals who have not responded to typical drug treatment or have shown less than optimal results.

Regenerative Medicine is still considered an experimental procedure and not approved by the FDA. Patients must consider realistic expectations in their research and possible therapy options.

Speak with a Care Coordinator today for a more accurate assessment of your condition and therapy options.

Patient Testimonial

Please see the comments and personal videos testimonies on our website to see our patients’ experience and their personal journey to wellness with Stemedix.

How Stemedix Helps You Heal

Professional Medical Care

Our Board-Certified Physicians specialize in regenerative medicine. They stay abreast of the latest developments in stem cell research. Each patient is screened and reviewed before being approved for therapy.

Advanced Therapy

Each patient is thoroughly reviewed to ensure their safety for treatment. The physicians will then determine potential benefit candidacy. If approved, a customized treatment plan is offered for the patient.

Specialized Care

Stemedix can help coordinate patients with necessary wheelchair transportation, medical equipment, and Care Giving services as needed during their stay. Your Care Coordinator is available for questions and assistance.


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