Why Am I So Tired, and How Do I Beat Fatigue?

Why Am I So Tired, and How Do I Beat Fatigue?

Feeling tired is a common complaint. For some, this fatigue is related to an underlying medical condition. For others, however, some simple lifestyle changes can often remedy fatigue. 

Why Am I So Tired?

Everyone becomes tired. However, it’s not normal to feel consistently tired even when waking up after a good night of sleep. Fatigue can stem from psychological factors like stress or depression, physiological problems like excessive exercise or poor sleep, and medical conditions like diabetes or anemia. 

Many medical issues lead to chronic fatigue, including:

  • Cancer
  • Sleep apnea
  • Heart failure
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Malnutrition

Patients who experience tiredness for six months or longer may have chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalopathy. However, another diagnosis may coincide with chronic fatigue syndrome, and patients with the condition often have sleep disturbances, chronic pain, or cognitive difficulties. 

Since many medical conditions cause fatigue, seeing a physician to rule out any medical concerns causing your exhaustion is essential.

How Do I Beat Fatigue?

Since the causes of fatigue vary widely, so do the treatments. For example, new parents are often fatigued because their babies need to eat every few hours. So, cutting back on caffeine won’t help them as much as it would help someone who can’t fall asleep at night. 

However, when your fatigue isn’t caused by a new baby or a medical condition, you can make standard lifestyle changes to sleep consistently and restoratively. These include:

  • Bettering your sleep hygiene, or pre-sleep rituals
  • Exercising regularly
  • Reducing your caffeine intake, especially in the afternoon and evening
  • Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water
  • Identifying and managing stressors
  • Learning breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga to foster relaxation
  • Avoiding alcohol, nicotine, and recreational drugs

Patients who continue to struggle with fatigue despite implementing these changes may benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy or other forms of therapy to identify and treat the challenges that keep them from getting proper rest. 

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Can CBD Help You Lose Weight?

Can CBD Help You Lose Weight?

In recent years there has been a surge in the popularity of CBD products. Everything from skincare to pain relief is available with CBD in the formula. Research has continued to unveil more benefits attributed to CBD oil. One of the lesser-known benefits may be increased weight loss.

What Is CBD?

CBD refers to cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is the component of cannabis that does not produce psychoactive effects, such as the signature “high” often associated with marijuana. Instead, cannabidiol produces a wide variety of potential health and aesthetic benefits, condition spasms, including pain relief, lower blood sugar, and improved skin health.

CBD is often extracted from the marijuana plant and incorporated into products in its purest form. To experience optimal benefits, many people use pure CBD oil on its own. This method allows your body to absorb the highest concentration of cannabidiol, enhancing its intended effect.

CBD and Weight Loss

Have you been trying to lose weight, but failing to see real results? Sometimes diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to produce significant weight loss. This is especially true for people who have a slower metabolism due to age or underlying medical issues. Fortunately, the cannabidiol may provide an effective solution.

Recent research has linked CBD oil to increased weight loss. Studies have shown that cannabidiol interacts directly with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. This produces a number of benefits that can help you reach your healthy body weight

Researchers found that CBD could decrease appetite while boosting metabolism at the same time. When less food is consumed and fat burn is increased, it can lead to weight loss.

Research on the link between CBD and weight loss is ongoing, and there’s still much to be learned about the relationship between cannabidiol and metabolism. If you are interested in using CBD oil as a weight loss aid, make sure to find a reputable and quality source.

For more health awareness blogs, please visit http://www.stemedix.com/blog.

Chrononutrition: Is There a “Best Time” to Take Nutritional Supplements?

Chrononutrition: Is There a “Best Time” to Take Nutritional Supplements?

For many people, nutritional supplements are a part of their daily routine. Whether you take specific supplements or a multivitamin, you want your nutritional supplements to be as effective as possible.

This is why it’s important to take your supplements in a way that allows them to be properly absorbed so that your body receives all of the nutrients it needs. Read on to learn how the time of day you take your nutritional supplements can impact how effective they are.

What Time of Day Should I Be Taking My Supplements?

While you may think that time is only something your mind is aware of, all of the systems within your body run on an elaborate schedule. This is how things like the circadian rhythm and eating patterns work. Your body learns a schedule over time and adheres to it so that you can feel your best. As it turns out, the time that you take your nutritional supplements can be affected by this schedule.

The purpose of taking any nutritional supplement is to provide your body with the vitamins and minerals that it needs. To help your nutritional supplements be as effective as possible, they may need to be taken at certain times. 

For most supplements, the ideal time is in the morning when you wake up. This is beneficial for a variety of reasons. Taking your supplements in the morning means you can experience their benefits throughout the day, when you’re most active. It also means that you can keep track of exactly how your supplements make you feel, determining which you need to continue, and which are no longer benefiting you.

Some supplements are required to be taken at a specific time because they can produce adverse effects. For example, vitamin B6 is known to disrupt sleep patterns if taken too close to bedtime. When you begin taking any new supplement, it is always wise to speak to your doctor and ask what time of day your supplements should be taken.

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Effective Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Effective Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects almost half of the adults in the U.S. Hypertension causes blood to apply long-term force to the artery walls, making sufferers more susceptible to heart disease and stroke.

While high blood pressure is concerning, it’s also a manageable condition. Here are several of the most effective ways you can lower your blood pressure without medication.

1. Exercise

One of the best ways to reduce your blood pressure in the long term is to stay active. 

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Overweight patients who lose as little as five to ten pounds can lower their blood pressure, and even light physical activity can have the same effect. 

3. Add Healthy Foods to Your Diet

Studies show that adding certain foods to your diet can help lower your blood pressure. These foods include:

  1. Potassium-rich bananas
  2. Sweet potatoes
  3. Protein-rich lean meats
  4. Fish
  5. Polyphenol-supplying berries
  6. Magnesium-rich vegetables, legumes, and whole grains
  7. Flavonoid-supplying dark chocolate
  8. Garlic or garlic extract

As you increase your consumption of healthy fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, you’ll find an added benefit of less appetite for foods that can raise your blood pressure.

4. Reduce Consumption of Hypertension-Supporting Foods and Drinks

Studies show that reducing your consumption of sugar, refined carbohydrates, and prepackaged foods can lower your blood pressure. Additionally, drinks like alcohol and caffeine can raise your blood pressure.

5. Stop Smoking

Healthy blood pressure is another reason to quit smoking. The chemicals in tobacco can damage your blood vessel walls, causing inflammation and increasing the pressure.

6. Lower Your Stress Levels

Higher stress levels equal higher blood pressure, so taking steps to lower stress can benefit your physical health. Activities like yoga help your body and mind. Practicing meditation helps you find calm in any situation, and the simple act of petting an animal can instantly lower your blood pressure. 

7. Cook at Home

Cooking at home lets you control the ingredients in your meals, namely sodium. Restaurant meals can have up to six times the amount of sodium as a home-cooked meal. Reduced sodium can result in reduced blood pressure.

8. Improve Your Sleep 

A poor night’s sleep can negatively affect your blood pressure. People who sleep six hours a night or less have consistently higher blood pressure. 

If you try these methods and find your blood pressure remains consistently high, consult your physician for the next steps, such as medications to control your hypertension.

For more health awareness blogs, please visit www.stemedix.com/blog.

A Detailed Guide to Following a Vegetarian Diet

A Detailed Guide to Following a Vegetarian Diet

According to a poll in January 2022, about 10% of Americans over 18 consider themselves vegan or vegetarian. The sudden rise in popularity of a meat-free lifestyle is attributed to environmental concerns, animal welfare concerns, and increased convenience as new plant-based meats become widely available. 

Whether your desire to eliminate or just cut back on meat is based on health, cultural, environmental, or religious reasons, switching to a plant-based diet is a big step. 

The easiest way to shift to a vegetarian diet and stick with your changes is to begin gradually to make the transition more comfortable and nutritionally stable. We advise taking these basic steps. 

Step 1: Evaluate Your Current Diet

Before making any significant changes, you should understand your starting point. Keep track of the foods you currently eat. Next, take note of the meals and snacks that are vegetarian.

As you shift your diet to more vegetarian meals, start incorporating vegetarian dishes you already enjoy and alternating them with your old omnivore eating habits. 

Step 2: Revise Your Old Favorites

Look at the favorite meals you’ll miss the most when you’re entirely vegetarian. Begin looking for meat-free versions you can also love. For example, spaghetti with meatballs can easily become spaghetti with marinara sauce, or you can find a plant-based substitute for your favorite meatballs.

Step 3: Try New Recipes

As you adjust to your new diet, search for recipes to round out your menus. First, try checking out some vegetarian cookbooks from the library until you find one full of recipes you enjoy. Then, get adventurous in the kitchen with new products and meal ideas.

Step 4: Make the Shift, One Meal at a Time

Many people find that breakfast is the easiest meal to make meatless. You can begin your journey to vegetarianism by eliminating meat in your first meal of the day — and work your way up to all three. Allow yourself some room to adjust as you overhaul your diet.

Step 5: Evaluate Your Current Diet Again

Everyone faces significant challenges in getting the proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables their bodies need. So, take the time to track your eating habits and ensure you’re getting enough grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and variety in your diet. 

If your diet lacks certain nutrients, make a list of foods to incorporate to give your body all of the fuel it needs. 

For more health awareness blogs, please visit http://www.stemedix.com/blog.

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