Which Conditions Can Benefit from Functional Medicine?

Which Conditions Can Benefit from Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine analyzes the entire body and its imbalances or deficiencies which contribute to health issues. Conventional medicine, on the other hand, aims to diagnose specific conditions and treat their symptoms. 

Every health condition can benefit from functional medicine, as it offers a comprehensive, whole-body approach that examines underlying factors. With that being said, there are certain conditions that may benefit more than others. This is especially true for complex conditions for which there is no one easily identifiable cause or treatment. 

With functional medicine, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach as there sometimes is in conventional medicine. Instead, personalized treatment plans are established to improve a patient’s condition and overall health while taking into consideration the unique circumstances that affect them, such as health history and lifestyle factors. Explore some conditions for which functional medicine can benefit below.


Characterized by widespread muscle pain, fibromyalgia remains a mystery to many modern medical practitioners. Within functional medicine, fibromyalgia is understood to be a result of chronic inflammation. The source of this inflammation may be leaky gut syndrome, vitamin deficiencies, or other medical factors which can be identified through testing and then addressed through targeted treatment or lifestyle changes.

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome goes far beyond ordinary tiredness. Patients experience extreme exhaustion, brain fog, and sleep challenges. While traditional medicine often fails to recognize the legitimacy of the condition, functional medicine not only recognizes but aims to understand the causative factors behind it. Underlying chronic infections, hormonal imbalances, and adrenal issue scan all contribute to this complex medical issue.


Although diabetes has been exhaustively researched and is well understood by the medical community, the same approach to care remains unchanged: monitoring and controlling blood sugar. While this may indeed be necessary, functional medicine helps patients establish behaviors to help the body naturally stabilize glucose and insulin levels. For instance, diet and lifestyle modifications could prevent the need for diabetes medications entirely. 

Autoimmune Disorders

In patients with autoimmune conditions, the immune system has an overactive response, attacking healthy tissue instead of just foreign invaders. Conventional medicine aims to suppress this immune response, but functional medicine seeks to uncover the root causes of widespread inflammation and autoimmunity. In so doing, it identifies the factors which can be modified to regulate the body’s immune response.


Obesity is a widespread epidemic caused by a variety of contributing factors. Genetics, lifestyle choices, and diet can all prompt weight gain. Because this health concern requires a comprehensive approach, it’s well-suited for the principles of functional medicine.   

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The gastrointestinal tract is the powerhouse of the immune system, with nearly 70% of immune cells residing there. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a result of compromised gut microbiome. From stress to yeast overgrowth, there are many factors which can impact intestinal health. From thorough testing to an assessment of lifestyle factors, functional medicine doctors can uncover the causes behind IBS and develop a targeted treatment plan. 


There are several contributing factors behind depression, including inflammation caused by infections, enzyme deficiencies, and micronutrient imbalances. Instead of just addressing symptoms through medications, functional medicine doctors help people with depression address the condition’s underlying causes for a more comprehensive and effective approach. If you would like to learn more about a comprehensive nutritional and molecular test that may help your overall wellness and symptoms, please call a Care Coordinator at 800-531-0831. You may also visit stemedix.com/blog  for helpful health awareness blogs.

Eating While Bored? Here’s How to Kick the Habit

Eating While Bored? Here’s How to Kick the Habit

Eating habits can be driven by many factors, including stress, boredom, and real hunger. Snacking outside of your true hunger cues can cause you to take in extra calories, and will likely have you reaching for “comfort foods” with little nutritional value. Here’s what you can do to adopt more mindful eating habits.

The Cause of Boredom-Based Eating

Eating during periods of boredom is actually a type of emotional eating. While physical hunger drives a need for sustenance, emotional eating prompts a specific craving. Moreover, with emotional eating, it can take longer to feel satisfied (sometimes, up to 20 minutes). Physical hunger, on the other hand, can typically be quelled quickly. While physical hunger may begin with a rumbling in your stomach, emotional hunger is triggered by the brain.

You might also find yourself eating while stressed. Like eating while bored, eating while stressed acts as a distraction. Cravings are driven by dopamine, the feel-good hormones which are released when you eat something delicious. Boredom or stress can prompt us to go looking for a pick-me-up, or dopamine release, and oftentimes, snacking is the quickest fix.

How to Stop Eating While Bored

Fortunately, there are ways to stop using emotional eating as a coping mechanism for stress, boredom, or other challenges. First, you must start by identifying whether you are indeed an emotional eater. Consider creating a food diary to track your eating habits. Don’t just write down what you ate and when, however. Also write down how you felt: On a scale of 1-10, how physically hungry did you feel at the time? How long had it been since your last meal or snack? Were you experiencing listlessness or any type of stress? Perhaps you had just had an argument with a loved one — keep track of all this information to look for patterns in your eating habits.

If you suspect that you are an emotional eater, the next step is to start practicing mindful eating. This is simply the process of recognizing your emotions and physical state. By bringing awareness to these factors, you can begin asking yourself whether you’re really hungry, or if you’re experiencing boredom or emotional turmoil instead. If you are indeed hungry, pause and observe your body’s natural cues. Legitimate hunger can be satisfied with healthy choices, and especially protein-rich foods such as eggs, nut butter, beans, and lean protein. Round out your meal or snack with a healthy carbohydrate, like whole grain toast, apple slices, or wheat pasta.

As you’re eating, try to take it slowly, savoring every bite. Limit distractions; for instance, try to avoid eating while watching TV or scrolling through social media. Eat until your hunger is satisfied and you feel full.

In addition, you can get out of the habit of eating while bored by planning your meals out in advance. Have ingredients for healthy dishes on hand and prep food early enough so that you’re not feeling famished by the time your next meal is ready. You can also prepare nutritious breakfasts and lunches in advance, such as smoothies, overnight oats, and delicious salads.

Also, make sure you’re staying hydrated. Sometimes, thirst can be confused for hunger. Dehydration can produce signals similar to those of hunger, so drink a glass of water if you’re feeling hungry despite having eaten fairly recently.

Finally, you can also try going for a walk, doing a quick yoga routine, or finding another healthy distraction if you’re really struggling to stay away from the fridge. While these tactics may just seem like other distractions from boredom or stress, they can also help to clear your mind in a healthy way. Learning to practice mindful eating isn’t something that happens overnight. Yet, with patience and reflection, you can become more in tune with your body and its true needs.  

For more helpful Health Awareness articles, please visit stemedix.com/blog.

Can Herbs Help to Boost Immunity?

Can Herbs Help to Boost Immunity?

A strong immune system requires good nutrition, ample sleep, and regular physical activity. While nothing can replace these healthy behaviors, it’s possible adding certain herbs to your diet could help give your immune system an extra boost. In fact, you may already be using many of the following herbs to flavor your favorite dishes. Here are a few to consider for their beneficial immune-boosting properties.


A natural sweetener commonly used to replace traditional sugar, stevia can be used to combat blood clotting and indigestion. It can also help to lower insulin and blood sugar levels, as well as blood pressure. The stevia plant is also believed to have antibacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-septic properties, all of which could help to strengthen the immune system.


More commonly known as holy basil, tulsi is considered an immensely powerful herb for its robust healing capabilities. Its medicinal properties include the ability to protect organs from stress caused by heavy metals and pollutants, among other types of damage. Many proponents of the herb also use it to address migraines and indigestion.


This herb is commonly added to Indian dishes. In seed or powder form, fenugreek has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. These powerful agents are known to control blood sugar, but they can also help to combat constipation. In studies, high doses of fenugreek have also been linked to up-regulation of immune-related genes and antioxidant enzyme genes, suggesting the plant’s ability to improve immunity.


Often found in tea varieties, mint has long been known for its ability to curb stomach ailments. Besides its soothing effects, however, it may also help to calm allergic reactions and respiratory illnesses. Most importantly, the plant is rich in antioxidants, which makes it a simple and natural way to power up your immune system.


Coriander leaves, also known as Chinese parsley, have powerful antioxidants. In particular, the herb is associated with controlling digestive issues, such as diarrhea and indigestion. It may also help to control high blood lipids. Plus, the plant has been shown to fight inflammation throughout the body, an important underlying factor in many chronic illnesses.

For more helpful Health Awareness articles, please visit stemedix.com/blog.

What Are the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

What Are the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

While home remedies shouldn’t replace medical treatment when it comes to addressing ailments, there are many natural products right in your pantry which could deliver noteworthy health benefits. In particular, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one ingredient hailed for its wellness-boosting properties. Discover some of the most common advantages of ACV below.

Supports Weight Loss

There’s no magic solution that can replace diet and exercise. Yet, ACV could help to boost weight loss results when combined with healthy eating and regular physical activity. In a 2009 study, participants who had one to two tablespoons of the vinegar each day had lower body fat, weight, and waist circumference than their peers. This could be due to the fact that ACV can help curb your appetite by making you feel full quicker.

Helps Control Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is a precursor to type 2 diabetes. It occurs when the body either can’t use insulin properly or has too little insulin. According to research, ACV could help to reduce glucose and insulin production after meals, and therefore aid in controlling blood sugar. Simply mixing an ACV dressing into your salad could be an effective supplement to ongoing diabetes management or prevention strategies.

Fights Illness

Finally, ACV has been shown to help reduce the risk of or aid in the control of several conditions, including:

  • Heart disease. In one study, results showed that eating a salad with vinegar-based dressings led to a decreased risk of the condition.
  • PCOS. Research shows that ACV could help achieve normal ovarian function and menstrual cycles in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
  • Acne. With its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, ACV may help to reduce acne and other skin issues when applied topically.

In addition to the health benefits above, many people use ACV as an all-natural cleaning agent. While the potential applications of the solution span far and wide, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before incorporating any new natural remedies into your routine.

For more helpful Health Awareness articles, please visit stemedix.com/blog.

Which Fruits & Vegetables Could Reduce Menopause Symptoms?

Which Fruits & Vegetables Could Reduce Menopause Symptoms?

We’re often told that a healthy diet is key to improving wellness and feeling our best. While it may not eradicate symptoms altogether, proper nutrition plays an important role in managing certain health frustrations, including the signs of menopause.

As you might imagine, one of the best ways to get ample vitamins and minerals to improve overall wellness is through plenty of fruits and vegetables. Yet, new research published in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society, suggests there are some specific choices that may have a better impact on alleviating menopausal symptoms than others.

Diet & Menopause

Previous research has indicated that certain foods influence the production of estrogen and metabolism, which can, therefore, have an effect on the severity of menopause. Specifically, diets rich in vegetables, fruits, and nuts, such as the Mediterranean diet, have been associated with fewer symptoms and complaints by women of menopausal age. Based on these findings, researchers sought out to determine whether certain vegetables and fruits could aid in reducing menopause symptoms more than others. According to their findings, the following foods appeared to improve urogenital scores, which encompass factors like urinary incontinence and vaginal atrophy.

  • Citrus Fruits: Oranges often come to mind as the primary citrus fruits, but you can also incorporate grapefruit, clementine, and tangerines into your diet. When possible, incorporate lemon and limes into your cooking, too.
  • Leafy Greens: Spruce up your salads by swapping out iceberg for Swiss chard, arugula, spinach, and curly kale. These leafy greens pack a powerful dose of nutrients despite having very few calories.
  • Dark Yellow Vegetables: Look for in-season yellow vegetables next time you browse your local farmer’s market. Yellow bell peppers, squash, and golden beets are all excellent choices that can easily be incorporated into dishes like stir-fries or salads.

Although the effects of these dietary choices may vary from one woman to the next, anyone seeking simple lifestyle tactics to help control the symptoms of menopause may find it worthwhile to give these fruits and vegetables a try. At the very least, you’ll be getting a hefty dose of nutrients to support better overall health anyway. For more health awareness blogs, visit our blog page at https://stemedix.com/blog/.

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