by admin | May 11, 2022 | Health Awareness
The rising summer temperatures may offer more opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and come with an increased risk of heatstroke. Planning for hot days allows you to enjoy the longer, warmer days without suffering when the temperatures rise.
Who Is at Risk of Medical Concerns in the Heat?
Anyone can become ill from too much time in extreme temperatures. However, some people are more likely to suffer from medical concerns stemming from too much time in the heat. These people include:
- Those with chronic medical conditions
- Those with mental illness
- People on certain medications
- Those with limited mobility
- People over the age of 65
- Babies and young children
- Overweight or obese people
- Those who work or exercise outdoors
Additionally, people who are more accustomed to cooler climates may be more affected by hotter temperatures.
How to Stay Safe in the Heat
When temperatures rise, people are more likely to become dehydrated, which can cause cramps, exhaustion, or heat stroke. Some tips for staying healthy in the heat include:
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat foods high in water
- Wear sunscreen
- Stay in the shade
- Avoid being out in the hottest part of the day
- Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing
- Avoid strenuous activities
- Use wet towels or cool (not cold) showers to keep from overheating
It’s essential to check on friends and family in times of extreme heat and have them check on you.
Prepare for High Temperatures
Right now is the time to ensure your safety in extreme temperatures. Prevent any issues when temperatures rise by taking the time to ensure your safety and comfort in cases of extreme heat. Some actions to take include:
- Knowing the signs of heat-related illnesses
- Identifying cool areas in your community where you can go
- Purchase window deflectors to reflect heat outside
- Install window air conditioners and insulate around them
If you have a whole-house air conditioner, check your unit to ensure it doesn’t need any maintenance or repairs before summer temperatures rise.
If You Experience Heat-Related Symptoms
If you experience heat cramps or heat exhaustion signs, go to a cooler location and remove excess clothing. Sip sports drinks or water, and call a healthcare provider if symptoms worsen or persist for more than an hour.
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by admin | May 4, 2022 | Health Awareness
You know how important it is to stay hydrated, but do you know all of the ways your body is trying to tell you it needs more water? Feeling thirsty is the most obvious sign, but there are other important signals that you need to increase your fluid intake.
1. Bad Breath
Dehydration can lead to a lack of saliva, and a dry mouth is the perfect environment for bacterial overgrowth. That’s why morning breath can be so unpleasant. If you feel like morning breath stays with you all day long, forget the mints and reach for a glass of water.
2. Muscle Cramps
A lack of fluid causes the body to heat up and the muscles to work harder. Changes in electrolyte levels can also lead to muscle cramps. If you’re experiencing cramping, especially after workouts, consider rehydrating with sports drinks that have added electrolytes.
3. Food Cravings
You may blame it on your sweet tooth, but those cravings for sweet or salty snacks may be caused by your body’s difficulty breaking down glycogen. Dehydration makes it hard for your organs to release glycogen which, in turn, sends signals to your brain that more glycogen is needed.
4. Headaches
Before opening the aspirin bottle the next time you have a headache, try drinking a glass of water. Even mild dehydration can trigger headaches, including migraine headaches.
5. Fever and Chills
Heat illness, which is caused by dehydration, may present as fever and chills. Cooling down as quickly as possible is crucial, and increasing fluids is the best way to accomplish that. In addition to getting out of the heat and applying ice packs or cool cloths, drink extra water to help cool your organs and internal systems.
6. Dry Skin
Dry skin can be the result of unlucky genetics, but it is also a symptom of dehydration. If you’ve noticed your skin is feeling dry and itchy, increase your water intake and schedule a consultation for a regenerative medicine facial.
Staying Hydrated
Most adults should drink at least eight glasses of water per day, not including coffee, tea, or other caffeinated beverages. Remember that sports drinks and other flavored drinks may include sugar and other ingredients that can be harmful to your health if overconsumed. Try adding fresh herbs like mint or slices of citrus fruit to your water for variety.
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by admin | Aug 4, 2021 | Health Awareness
If you find yourself snacking between meals, the problem might be dehydration. Many times, when you think you’re hungry, you may be actually thirsty—and eating salty snack foods like potato chips only makes the problem worse!
While the dangers of dehydration can sometimes be overstated, it never hurts to add more water to your diet. Here are 8 foods you can eat that will provide you with plenty of extra water.
1) Watermelon
As the name suggests, this delicious treat is mostly water. It also packs a lot of flavor for just a few calories. Try ending your exercise sessions with a slice of watermelon as a reward.
2) Cucumbers
In addition to salads, you can make cucumber sandwiches or soup. You can even cut them into slices and use them in place of chips, dipping them into yogurt or hummus.
3) Celery
Celery provides a low-calorie snack that’s packed with water. When you’re looking for a nice, refreshing crunch in your snack, celery is the answer—and it goes great with peanut butter!
4) Strawberries
Strawberries combine high water content with a powerful punch of flavor and a big boost of vitamin C. Try adding them to salads or dipping them in yogurt.
5) Tomatoes
Tomatoes have plenty of vitamins and minerals. They also have the high water content you need to stay hydrated.
6) Iceberg Lettuce
This leafy green is almost all water, which means that salads are a delicious way to get your daily nutrients while staying hydrated.
7) Cantaloupe
Melons can help you to start your morning hydrated. Cantaloupe provides you with plenty of water, along with a big serving of potassium.
8) Bell Peppers
Available in a range of colors, each with its own distinct taste, bell peppers are a nutritious treat. And with their high water content, bell peppers can help you fight dehydration!