Lower back pain is a common issue many adults face. While it may resolve itself over time, you’ll still want to pursue ways to relieve discomfort in the meantime. Of course, any persistent pain should be addressed by a doctor, but here are some home remedies for lower back pain relief you can try first.

Get Moving

It may seem counterintuitive, but the right type of exercise could actually alleviate your back pain. Physical activity can increase blood flow to the lower back, which can help to loosen the muscles and accelerate healing. Moves that can strengthen the core and back, such as bridges, knee-to-chest stretches, and supermans may bring relief over time. Additionally, stick to low-impact cardio, such as swimming.

Use Hot/Cold Therapy

If you’re experiencing an acute back injury that’s lasted four weeks or less, use cold therapy such as a cool compress. Bringing your body temperature down can help reduce swelling and inflammation, and bring numbing relief. If you have chronic back pain, however, it’s a good idea to apply constant, low-level heat, such as a heated blanket or warming adhesive wrap.  

Stretch Regularly

Stretching moves can help reduce tension in the lower back and support mobility. Consider trying a yoga routine for your back. Moves like cat/cow, child’s pose, sphinx, and spinal twists can relax the back, mobilize the spine, and gently strengthen your muscles.

Assess Your Footwear

If you spend a lot of time on your feet, unsupportive shoes could be playing a role in your back pain. Look for a pair with cushioning and ample arch support, and avoid any heels. These distribute your weight improperly and could contribute to back pain. And, make sure you’re wearing the right size: shoes that are too snug will change your gait, putting excess strain on your back.

Find Ways to Beat Stress

Stress reduction is important for overall health, but especially for a healthy back. If your body is holding tension, it will likely manifest in the back and neck. Try to find healthy ways to minimize your stress. Deep breathing exercises, journaling, and spending time with loved ones to unwind can help.

Improve Your Sleep 

Getting ample sleep gives your body the opportunity to repair itself. Unfortunately, poor sleep posture can actually make existing back problems worse. Aim to maintain a neutral pose as you sleep, and try to stay on your back. Placing a small pillow beneath your knees can help maintain the natural curve in your lower back. If you prefer sleeping on your side, keep a pillow between your knees to reduce tension on your joints. Different types of back pain may respond to different therapies, so be sure to explore various home remedies. For any back pain that doesn’t fade after a few weeks, be sure to visit a healthcare professional. If you are experiencing chronic back pain, such as Degenerative Disc Disease or Spinal Stenosis, perhaps you may be a candidate for stem cell therapy to help with pain management and/or regeneration of damaged tissues. If you would like to learn more contact a care coordinator today!

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