by admin | Jan 5, 2018 | COPD, Health Awareness
Managing with a condition like COPD can be quite troublesome, but some practical steps can be taken to cope with it in a better way and even making some small changes can help a great deal.
Everyday Health offers some basic tips that you can use to make COPD management easier.
No Smoking
With a lung disease like COPD, quitting smoking is the best way to avoid the worsening of the symptoms. Quitting smoking may not cure the disease, but it will certainly aid in breathing easier and improve the overall health of the lungs and body.
Breathing Exercises
Signing up for a pulmonary rehabilitation program can help with COPD. This program can help you catch the breath when you struggle with breathing and will help teach the most effective ways to inhale, sit and stand to get the control of your breathing at times of struggle.
Healthy Eating
Eating healthy can improve lung function. If you find yourself not sure where to start, you can talk to your doctor to recommend a well rounded and nutritious diet that can aid in managing with the growing symptoms.
Stay Active
An important thing that helps in COPD treatment is to remain physically active. Exercising regularly four to five days a week helps in keeping the body active and healthy. Exercise also helps strengthen muscles and improve the functioning of the lungs which then can help in breathing.
Sleep Well
One can feel fatigued due to the lack of oxygen intake because of their struggle with breathing. Getting a good night’s sleep helps people with COPD maintain a healthy weight, better immunity against infections, avoid cardiovascular problems and improve the mood.
Look for Support from Family and Friends
Having COPD makes it difficult to carry out the daily activities so never hesitate to ask for support from your friends and family, especially if you are getting treated with oxygen therapy. Carrying a portable oxygen tank can be a little challenging in public, so having a friend or family member by your side can help.
Avoid Lung Irritation
Getting sick with a flu or cold can worsen the symptoms of COPD. Attack of common respiratory infections like coughing and congestion can become very serious when you have this condition so make sure to be very careful in avoiding contact with sick people and to stay away from germs. Also breathing in harsh chemicals and smoke can also irritate the lungs and worsen the condition.
Work with Your Doctor
Another important factor is to stay in constant contact with your doctor and keep discussing any visible changes in your health so the symptoms can be kept under control. The doctor can help prescribe the best medications, diet and exercise programs and pulmonary rehabilitation so you can easily manage the symptoms and enjoy an active and healthy life.
by admin | Jan 3, 2018 | Diabetes, Health Awareness
Changing one’s lifestyle can be a major step towards the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. If you have a family history of diabetes or are overweight, it is crucially important for you to make it a priority to prevent yourself from the increased risk of the disease.
In fact, diabetes prevention is as easy and simple as just maintaining a healthy diet, losing some weight, or being active physically. Making these changes can help avoid serious complications like kidney, heart and nerve damage.
When it comes to Type 2 Diabetes, great news is that almost 90% cases could be avoided by taking the simple steps given below.
Increase Fiber Intake
Include fiber rich foods in your diet by eating fruits, beans, vegetables and whole grains. This will reduce your blood sugar levels and decrease the risk of diabetes, heart diseases and also promote weight loss as fiber rich foods can make you feel full and eat less.
Get Physically Active
Regular exercise and physical activity will help you lose weight, boost the sensitivity to insulin and lower the blood sugar levels. Research also shows that aerobic exercises can help control diabetes, especially when undertaken regularly to have continued benefits.
Lose Excess Weight
Each and every single pound you shed can lead to an improved health if you have diabetes. A research study proved that participants who lost a great deal of weight by regular exercise reduced the chances of getting diabetes by 44%.
Cut Down Sugary Drinks
Sugary drinks are highly associated with a risk of diabetes because of high glycemic levels. Research also proved that people who consumed more than one sugary beverage daily had 83% higher chance of developing diabetes.
Quit sugary drinks by replacing them with water, tea or coffee. Coffee is also known to help prevent diabetes as well as a cup of tea.
Include Good Fats in your Diet
The type of fat you consume also affects the development of the condition. Polyunsaturated fats, usually found in nuts, vegetable oils and seeds are known to be good fats and are known to ward off the disease. However, eating the same polyunsaturated fats from fish called the omega-3 fats may be very healthy for heart conditions but do not prevent against diabetes.
On the other hand, bad fats namely Trans fats found in margarine, baked and fried foods do the opposite.
Quit Smoking
Many people with Type 2 Diabetes are found to be smokers. It is estimated that almost 50% of smokers are more likely to develop the disease while heavier smokers are even at a higher risk.
Avoid Red or Processed Meat
Avoid processed or red meat and instead, use nuts, poultry, whole grains, or fish. More evidence is showing that the risk of diabetes is increased with the consumption of red meat.
Research has found that consuming red meat may increase the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 19%.
When to See a Doctor
A glucose screening is usually recommended if you are:
- Older than 45 years of age and overweight
- Younger than 45 but overweight with a risk factor of Type 2 Diabetes
by admin | Jan 1, 2018 | Health Awareness
More than a billion people in the US suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, a type of arthritis condition that causes severe inflammation, pain, and swelling. Apart from medication, there are various ways to deal effectively with its complications. Making small lifestyle changes down to just changing the way you eat, sleep, and exercise can help a great deal to ease the symptoms and improve both the emotional and physical wellbeing.
Physical Activity – Exercise can greatly benefit patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Keeping oneself physically active keeps the joint mobility well maintained, improve sleep, and overall mental health.
Research also shows that with the help of exercise the loss of muscle mass can also be slowed down. Stretching, strengthening and aerobic exercises can help improve the heart health and flexibility of joints and muscles.
Improved Sleep –Rheumatoid arthritis patients can suffer from sleep problems due to stiffness and pain of the joints and lack of proper sleep on a regular basis can worsen the symptoms of the disease. In such cases, sleep medications can assist however it also helps to adapt self-help methods. For example, going to bed at the same time of the day and not watching television. Instead, read while in bed before sleep. Mental activity can lead to not being able to sleep on time. Avoid consuming caffeine during the latter part of the day and also exercise.
Anti-inflammatory Diet –If you have rheumatoid arthritis, it is crucial to take a healthy and nutritious diet. The ideal diet comprises of the right number of calories, minerals, and vitamins to maintain a healthy weight of the body.
Research shows that cold-water fish, like salmon that is rich in omega-3 acids, is highly beneficial in easing the joint pain experienced with rheumatoid arthritis.
An anti-inflammatory diet is highly beneficial, this includes green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes. Other anti-oxidant foods like strawberries, cherries and blueberries can also help. To include more of omega-3 fats include walnuts, olive oil and flax seeds in your diet.
Managing Flares
During a flare, the inflammation of the joints and the associated pain can become extremely intense. A good step in preventing a possible flare is by adjusting your medications, coordinating with your doctor.
Make sure to have plenty of rest when adding new medications to your routine and ask for help from others with carrying out daily tasks. Take up stress relieving and muscle relaxation practices and exercises. Placing cold or hot packs on the joints suffering from inflammation may also help.
Protect the Joints
Protecting the joints is very important in managing rheumatoid arthritis. When moving and carrying objects use larger joints instead of putting the small joints under stress, like your wrists and hands. For example, when opening a door use your body to push it instead of putting stress on your hands.
Use Assistive Devices
Using assistive devices can help improve your psychological well-being. There are many devices designed to help patients cook, get dressed, write, drive, bathe and carry various other tasks with ease.
Seek Support
When dealing with rheumatoid arthritis, make sure you get plenty of support from others, this can help maintain a positive outlook on life. Sharing your struggle with others can make it easy. Friends and family may be able to assist you with carrying out the daily tasks if you are in need.
by admin | Dec 29, 2017 | Health Awareness
Today, turmeric is seen in everything from teas to supplements. It has also been claimed that turmeric is a miracle spice capable of fighting cancer, inflammation and for detoxifying of the body.
Turmeric has been a huge part of Indian cuisine for thousands of years and folk medicine has used it for centuries to treat indigestion, inflammation, treat wounds and also for arthritis. This is because many see turmeric for its various health-promoting abilities. Studies have shown that turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant and antibacterial agent. The credit to all these properties goes to its compound known as curcumin. It is also observed to lower down the unhealthy cholesterol levels and increase the healthy HDL levels.
In case of cancer, the compound curcumin is responsible for activating the pathways that cause the cancer cells to die. It is also responsible for blocking out numerous pathways that make the cancer cells to multiply, divide and grow more and more. Turmeric is of great interest to researchers because it specifically targets the cancer cells while leaving out the healthy cells in the body.
For the treatment of inflammation, studies show that curcumin is capable of changing the body’s immune system response and can also block enzymes that are the cause of inflammation because of arthritis, relieving arthritis pain.
With numerous applications and effectiveness of turmeric, researchers are investigating the benefits of turmeric to find out more on its success in treating conditions such as Arthritis, Skin Conditions, Infections, Diabetes, Depression, Bowel Disease, and Cancer.
Turmeric is Not the Only Solution
One reason why the doctors don’t openly prescribe turmeric for various diseases is that although it heals the body, it is not easily digested by the gut. For this reason, it is important to take turmeric in a specific amount and along with another spice like black pepper. Black pepper contains a component called piperine that prevents the gut from breaking down and also promotes absorption.
Is it Safe to Consume Turmeric?
Turmeric is considered safe to be consumed whether it is applied externally to the skin or ingested, however it can also have its side effects. People who take turmeric in high amount also get diarrhea or nausea. Another possible problem can be the contractions of the gallbladder, this can be dangerous for people who have gallbladder stones and diseases. If taken with other medicines turmeric can also interact with them and cause a reaction so it is always best to discuss with your doctor before taking turmeric.
by admin | Dec 27, 2017 | Health Awareness, Parkinson's Disease
Even though there is no specific diet that can treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, one can have a proper and healthy diet that can help improve the overall symptoms. By consuming a lot of vegetables and fruits, one can keep themselves energized. Staying properly hydrated can help deal with the common symptoms like low blood pressure and constipation.
Making changes in the timing of meals can also help the medications affect the body in a better way and avoidance of certain foods can help prevent the side effects.
Dietary Changes That Can Help With Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease:
Having low blood pressure is common with those with Parkinson’s. It is usually a side effect of the medication. Increasing fluid intake and salt in the diet can help increase the blood pressure to normal, however, it should be discussed with a physician. Having small but frequent meals can also help with blood pressure challenges.
A common symptom of Parkinson’s is constipation. An increase in daily fiber consumption diet can help with this problem. Drinking six to eight glasses of water daily is healthy. Starting the day with warm liquids can help stimulate bowel movement and help maintain regularity. Some common sources of fiber are fruits and vegetables, cereals and whole grains.
Medications taken for Parkinson’s usually lead to a difficulty in swallowing food and causes thirst. To avoid this problem, include up to eight glasses of water daily and take sips of water after each bite when eating. Eat food that has sauces and or gravy and butter. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe some artificial saliva producing products.
Muscle cramps are also observed in Parkinson’s patients, especially during night time when the medication usually wears off. Eating yellow mustard that contains turmeric is very beneficial to help. Proper hydration maintenance also prevents cramps.
How to Help Increase Your Appetite?
Having a poor appetite is also another common symptom. Poor appetite can be a result of depression. If so, talk to your doctor to be treated and this will potentially help improve appetite.
Some tips to help increase your appetite are:
- Have small, frequent, but nutritious meals
- Go for a daily walk to stimulate appetite
- Include your favorite foods for more enjoyment
- Consume the high-calorie foods first
- Do not drink beverages prior to a meal or during to avoid feeling full
Antioxidants and What Foods Are Rich with Them?
Antioxidants are highly beneficial. They are responsible for clearing out the free radicals present in the body. Free radicals are basically toxic elements that are formed by sunlight, pollution, smoke and cigarettes. Oxidative stress is caused due these free radicals and it highly associated with Parkinson’s and aging.
A diet that is rich in antioxidants helps reverse cellular damage and oxidative stress. Some examples of these foods are:
- Fruits: Pears, grapes, berries, and apples.
- Vegetables: Kale, artichokes, okra, bell peppers.
- Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts, and pecans.
- Legumes: Kidney beans and lentils
- Beverages: Tea and coffee
- Eggs
- Dark chocolate
by admin | Dec 23, 2017 | Health Awareness, Lupus
Reduce Stress to Avoid Flare-Ups
Recent clinical trials show that increased stress can really worsen the symptoms. Effectively managing the stress is highly beneficial to manage with lupus in daily life. One big way to start is by identifying the cause of stress.
Some recommendations to deal with stress are:
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help when your symptoms get worse
- Take up activities that help you stay relaxed and calm
- Take out time for yourself more often during the week
Maintain a Healthy Diet for Your Heart
Research shows that lupus leads to a risk of heart disease. It is important to maintain a diet that is heart healthy. Your diet should incorporate more of:
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Protein like fish and poultry
- Whole grains
Getting plenty of calcium and limiting sodium intake in diet is also very beneficial.
Improve Your Sleep
One of the most common symptoms of lupus is chronic fatigue and the worsening of symptoms can really make it hard to fall sleep. It is recommended to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep and also rest from time to time during the day.
Avoid Too Much Sunlight
Majority of lupus patients have high sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Spending too much time out in the sun can give rise to a flare-up. It is also observed that lupus medications can heighten the body’s sensitivity UV light. It is essential to wear a sunblock when going out in the sun.
Exercise More
Lupus affects the joints of the body and exercising on a regular basis is a great way to keep the joints healthy, promote stronger muscles, avoid stiffness, control weight and also help control fatigue.
Make sure to consult with a doctor prior to any exercise routines as some specific exercises can cause swollen joints and pain.
Exercise also improves your mental health. Dealing with a condition like lupus often leads to clinical depression. Exercise can help improve the symptoms. Research shows that people who engaged in any kind of simple kind of physical activity had lower levels of depression.
Almost 90% of studies suggest that exercise can reduce fatigue, including exercise in your daily routine can really help with the symptoms of lupus like feeling run-down and sluggish by increasing the body’s energy levels.
Another benefit for increased exercise is improving the side effects caused by medications. Lupus medications have various side effects, most common of which is weight gain. They can also increase your blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol. Taking steroids also increases the appetite.
Below are some tips to exercise safely and under medical advice.
- Take it slow
- Talk to your doctor
- Participate in low impact exercise
- Keep an exercise journal