Do Oranges Have Stress-Beating Benefits?

Do Oranges Have Stress-Beating Benefits?

While scents like lavender commonly come to mind when we think of stress relief, it turns out citrus may evoke a sense of calm, too. Typically associated with invigorating and energizing powers, the scent of an orange has also been associated with stress relief. Find out how having this fruit on hand can help you stay calm in the face of a chaotic day below.

Inhale to Reduce Stress

By some estimations, the scent of an orange may reduce stress by more than 70%. Yet, having ripe orange slices on hand may not always be the most practical option for those of us with busy schedules. Using essential oils is therefore be a good alternative for getting an uplifting whiff of citrus during a long commute, for example. Likewise, if you anticipate a hectic work day, you can apply a few drops of essential oils approved for topical use on the wrists, temples, neck, or behind the ears. While mandarin has been linked to better digestion in addition to reduced stress, other citrus oils have unique benefits, too. Lemon, for example, has been shown to improve cognitive performance, while the scent of grapefruit oil appears to reduce cravings and boost metabolism.

Of course, you don’t have to simply smell oranges to reduce stress. In fact, eating oranges may pack an even more powerful punch.

Vitamin C for Relaxation

If you have a particularly stress-inducing event coming up, it may be worthwhile to pack an orange in your bag. People who consumed 1,000 mg of vitamin C before delivering a speech had lower levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, as well as lower blood pressure. While the sensory benefits of peeling an orange undoubtedly contribute to this more relaxed state, the vitamin C itself also aids in stress reduction by allowing the body to quickly process cortisol. Moreover, people with high vitamin C levels actually recover from stressful situations quicker.

While an orange a day may keep the stress away, vitamin C supplements may also be beneficial for certain populations. Although the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C for adults is a mere 75-90 mg, some evidence suggests that this outdated recommendation – which was established to combat scurvy – is inadequate for optimizing health. Thus, it comes as no surprise that vitamin C is the most commonly consumed supplement. If you’re considering upping your intake, just be sure to check in with a medical or dietary expert before beginning a new supplement regimen.

Does Nutrition Play a Role in Foot Health?

Does Nutrition Play a Role in Foot Health?

Medical professionals have known for a while now that diet impacts health in myriad ways, but there are still some frequently overlooked aspects of how wellness is influenced by nutrition. Although food choices are primarily associated with weight and cardiovascular health, it turns out what we put on our plates also affects specific parts of the body in unique ways. In particular, diet and foot health are perhaps more related than you might think.

How Diet Impacts Foot Health

Research shows certain foods produce an inflammatory response throughout the body. While temporary inflammation isn’t too much of a cause for concern, evidence suggests chronic inflammation is a risk factor for major degenerative diseases. In fact, it could be a major causative factor in coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

While inflammation is actually the body’s way of signaling the body to fight off infections, the same reaction can also cause long-term harm. When inflammation continues, it prompts the body to use different mediators to guard cells, which can actually destroy healthy tissue and cause disease over time.

This inflammation is responsible for many conditions linked to foot pain, including Rheumatoid Arthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthritis. It may also impact the plantar fascia, the tissue that runs beneath your foot, leading to a painful condition called plantar fasciitis. Diabetes, while often caused by a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors, can also be triggered in part by chronic inflammation. Complications from diabetes result in nerve damage to the foot for as much as 70% of its sufferers.

Additionally, a healthy diet helps to keep osteoporosis, or progressive bone loss, at bay. Although this condition is not isolated to the foot, it could increase the risk of stress fractures in the complex network of bones within the feet.

Fueling Up from Head to Toe

Many of the choices we can make to fuel foot health are precisely in line with the principles of eating healthy in general. Avoiding foods known to cause inflammation, while loading up on whole foods that are nutrient-rich, is one of the best options available for fighting a broad range of chronic diseases and promoting optimal health. With that in mind, here are some foods to steer clear of or consume only in moderation:

  • Added sugars
  • Red meat/processed meats
  • White bread & pasta
  • Fried food
  • Soda
  • Alcoholic beverages

On the other hand, here are some foods that are known for their anti-inflammatory properties due to their high content of fiber, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, or other nutrients which help to beat inflammation:

  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits & vegetables
  • Beans

When it comes to dairy, there are conflicting schools of thought. On the one hand, yogurt, cheese, and milk have a high concentration of calcium and vitamin D, two nutrients that support bone health to aid in osteoporosis prevention. Yet, dairy products like whole milk, cheese, and butter are high in saturated fat, which is linked to inflammation. Your best option is to opt for low-fat dairy products instead, which are not considered inflammatory but are still packed with nutrients.

Can Omega-3 Reduce the Risk of Heart Attacks?

Can Omega-3 Reduce the Risk of Heart Attacks?

There are many factors contributing to a person’s risk for heart attack, including high blood pressure and cholesterol, smoking, and family history. Luckily, there are just as many ways to lower your risk as there are risk factors. Oftentimes, the first approach that comes to mind includes improving diet and establishing a healthy exercise routine. While these are indeed important for reducing heart attack risk and improving overall health, researchers are also finding minor lifestyle adjustments could also help you prevent cardiac events.

In particular, two recent Harvard-led clinical trials suggest eating more fish or taking a fish oil supplement can reduce the risk of heart attack. The findings were so impressive that one cardiologist even stated that a reduction in heart attacks so profound hasn’t been witnessed since aspirin therapy was first explored.

In the VITAL trial, study participants aged 50 and older who took 1 gram of fish oil daily had a 28% reduction in heart attack risk, observed over a five-year follow-up period. In the REDUCE-IT trial, participants took EPA, a pure form of omega-3 fatty acid. People taking the supplement had a 20% reduction in the risk of heart-related death, 31% reduction in heart attack risk, and a 28% reduction in stroke risk.

How Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Support Heart Health?

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish like salmon and sardines but can also be taken in supplement form. These nutrients are unsaturated fats which have been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is the main offender in increasing heart attack risk, as it can damage blood vessels, contributing to heart disease and stroke. There are also other ways omega-3 can support cardiac health: they may decrease triglycerides, reduce blood pressure and clotting, and reduce irregular heartbeats.

While supplements are one way to take in these powerful fatty acids, experts agree that dietary measures should also be prioritized. One to two servings of omega-3 fatty fish each week is ideal. In addition to salmon and sardines, tuna, lake trout, and mackerel are also good choices. Most other types of seafood only contain small amounts of omega-3s.

As with any supplement, it’s important to talk with your doctor before beginning a daily regimen. Specifically, individuals on blood thinners may not be good candidates for fish oil supplements, as they too can produce a blood-thinning effect. With that said, based on the compelling research, it’s certainly worthwhile for adults over the age of 50 to discuss their candidacy for supplements with their doctors.

How Does Stress Affect Your Health?

How Does Stress Affect Your Health?

Stress is the body’s natural response to a threat, but when this response occurs often and even when there is no real danger present, it can increase your risk of developing serious illnesses. Moreover, both chronic and short-term stress can affect the body. Here, we take a closer look at how being stressed out impacts your health.

How Stress Works

When you become stressed, your heart rate becomes elevated and your blood pressure spikes. The stress hormone cortisol is also released, which send the body into “fight or flight” mode. Breathing becomes more rapid, and the muscles tense to prepare for action. While this response served our ancestors well in precarious situations, the effects of being in this state consistently can be harmful.

Symptoms of Stress

Stress produces a number of physical effects, including chest pain, fatigue, stomach upset, difficulty sleeping and focusing, and headaches. It’s also linked to heartburn, lower sex drive, and reproductive issues in women.

Of course, stress doesn’t just impact the physical realm. It can also alter your mood, leading to irritability or anger, lack of motivation, restlessness, and ultimately, sadness or depression. These affects can manifest through behavioral factors, too. Stressed individuals may be more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors, such as drug or tobacco use and alcohol abuse. Angry outbursts, over- or undereating, lack of exercise, and social withdrawal are also common behavioral effects.

The Serious Nature of Chronic Stress

Beyond contributing to the unfavorable conditions listed above, stress can also put you at risk for concerning conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Studies show that chronic stress is linked with inflammation, which is thought to be a culprit behind many chronic illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis. It’s suspected that stress is related to an increase in cytokines, pro-inflammatory cells which are typically used for defense against infection. When they are triggered without an infection, however, the immune system attacks itself, leading to autoimmune conditions.

How to Combat Stress

Luckily, there are many practical ways to address stress, alleviate inflammation, and lower cytokines to support better overall health. While relaxation techniques such as meditation are preferred among many individuals, others find counseling to be helpful in identifying the sources of stress and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Exercising regularly, setting aside time for personal interests, and socializing regularly can also help to alleviate tension.

How Sage Extract Boosts Brain Health

How Sage Extract Boosts Brain Health

Experts have known for many years now that certain nutrients play an important role in preserving cognitive function. Brain-healthy foods like blueberries, nuts rich in omega-3 fats and seeds, and many types of vegetables have been hailed for their ability to support mental acuity. Now, sage extract is emerging as a serious contender in the fight against cognitive decline. Discover how this powerful supplement is improving brain health across various populations below.

The Decline of Acetylcholine

In both normal age-related cognitive dysfunction and dementia, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine declines. Neurotransmitters have a critically important role in brain function, as they allow brain cells to communicate with each other. Acetylcholine is among the most plentiful and important neurotransmitters, as it supports attention, memory, learning, and reasoning. It is also impacted most severely in Alzheimer’s disease. In trials conducted on patients with Alzheimer’s disease, treatments used specifically to boost acetylcholine were linked to a 20% lower mortality. Sage extract, it appears, is among the treatments which can support this essential neurotransmitter.

How Sage Helps

In recent studies, a proprietary sage extract with unique properties has been shown to boost cognitive performance and cerebral blood flow, in addition to improved longevity. It also protects acetylcholine by blocking an enzyme which depletes it. This distinct extract exhibits superior biological activity, has a chemical fingerprint unlike any other form of sage, and has been rigorously tested. In a study conducted in adults over the age of 64, the sage extract:

  • Improved memory performance by 60%, compared to placebo subjects
  • Led to attention scores 2.5x greater than those of placebo subjects
  • Improved brain function within a matter of hours

In a separate study, the extract also improved neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with Alzheimer’s: cognition scores improved by 26% in the group that was given the sage extract, whereas the placebo group’s scores declined by 22%. Interestingly, the powerful treatment even improved mood and cognition in younger individuals, showing results such as reduced anxiety and fatigue, extended memory and attention and boosted mood.

In addition to improving present cognitive function, sage is also believed to help combat future age-related impairment. This is because the extract supports neurotrophins, the proteins which support brain function by replenishing and repairing brain cells.

While some types of sage extracts are available for purchase, it’s important to remember that concentrated forms of any herb or supplement can have intensified effects and should therefore only be taken under the care of a physician. In the meantime, adding the herb to foods like poultry, sweet potatoes, and pork is an effective way to flavor your meals without adding extra calories, and it may deliver some brain-boosting benefits at the same time.

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