by admin | Feb 12, 2018 | Health Awareness
February is officially known as Heart Health Month. Heart disease is the cause of one out of three deaths and the number one killer globally, but it can be preventable by making a few changes in both exercise, diet, and regular checkups. Everyday Health has a few tips to keep your heart healthy:
Monitor and maintain your blood pressure: Hypertension is a condition often ignored and left untreated by many but it is a big risk factor when it comes to heart disease. Monitor your blood pressure regularly and keep taking the medication. Follow up with your doctor regularly too.
Avoid smoking: Smoking increases the chances of heart disease by a factor of two to four. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for those that smoke compared to lung disease.
Avoid sugar: Studies show that Americans consume sugar more than an average person and it is a big contributor to the development of heart diseases. To reduce your sugar intake try replacing sodas with water or herb tea, choose fruits instead of baked goods or candies, and avoid processed foods as much as possible.
Eat healthily: Eat nuts, fruits, and vegetables as much as possible along with a good amount of whole grains. Try to have a weekly serving of fish, it reduces the risk of coronary artery disease and is highly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplementation can also help protect against cardiac risks. Garlic is also known to be highly beneficial for heart disease. It lowers the cholesterol, maintains the blood pressure and decreases the number of platelets in blood preventing it from clotting.
Stay active: An inactive lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease. Regular exercise can help reduce this risk. Some studies have found that incorporating brisk walking in your daily routine reduces the three main causes of cardiovascular diseases, namely blood cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension.
Some sun exposure is beneficial: Ultraviolet rays from the sunlight triggers the production of vitamin D in the body which lowers blood pressure. A daily exposure of ten to fifteen minutes of sunlight can help maintain proper levels of vitamin D.
Controlling stress levels: Stress can trigger the body to release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that increase heart rate and blood pressure. These hormones can also make blood platelets to become stickier which can then cause blood clots and high blood glucose. This can lead to further risks of hypertension, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.
Getting enough sleep: A study review reveals that sleep deprivation can lead to heart risks including hypertension, coronary heart disease, and diabetes.
Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight can lead to health issues including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Even losing a few pounds will help provide cardiovascular benefits as you work toward a healthy weight goal. Talk to your physician about safe and monitored weight loss management.
Have some hibiscus or hawthorn tea: These teas offer a healthier option in place of sodas or sugary juices. Hawthorn tea has been proven to be effective for multiple heart issues and hibiscus helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
by admin | Jan 23, 2018 | Health Awareness
You can have success losing weight and still enjoy going out to eat. According to the data obtained from various studies, eating outside the home a few times per week can lead to weight gain. However, the good news is that you have many options that can help you enjoy having a night out and enjoying the luxury of dining out at your favorite restaurant.
Below are some tips and strategies you can use to enjoy eating out successfully while on your weight loss journey.
Know What’s on the Menu Before You Reach the Restaurant
You can have a happy dining out experience when you have prepared in advance. Look at the menus online before you go to the restaurant, plan in advance what option you have to order that will fit within your diet plan. If you see there is a dessert you might be tempted to try, plan in advance and cut down on other parts of your meal to lower the calories.
Plan to go not too hungry. Try having some almonds or small healthy snack prior to going to avoid over indulging or being too hungry.
Avoid the Bread Basket and the Add Ons
One way to avoid having unwanted pre-dinner foods, request the server to bring the bread, chips and butter along with your entrees. This will remove the temptation to eat too many chips or have too much bread and butter prior to the meal. Having the meal after the bread or chips leads to the consumption too many calories. Having the bread or chips with dinner will allow you to focus more on the dinner and have just a little bread. Or you can request to have no bread or chips and avoid the temptation all together.
If you want to have an appetizer, opt for something healthy like fresh vegetable salads, healthy soups or seared tuna. Avoid anything fried and creamy.
Don’t Forget About Liquid Calories
Choose water as your beverage but if you choose a soda or tea, be aware of the calories that will be added to your overall meal.
Beware of Sneaky Calories on Salads and Veggies
If not prepared properly, vegetables and salads can also be a source of extra calories that are not needed. Sometimes salads are dressed in oils, garnished with cheese, dry fruits, or croutons. You can always get your own customized salad that is healthier.
Order dressing on the side to avoid extra calories. If you are thinking of ordering vegetables then ask beforehand how they are prepared and ask to use as little oil and butter as possible.
Go for Light Entrées
When ordering the main course, opt for something fresh and avoid fried choices. Although stir-fry dishes can be a better option at home, at a restaurant you cannot control how much oil is used. A nice tip is to choose three best dishes you like out of the menu and then ask the staff to give you the healthiest option out of them based on preparation and calories.
Don’t finish your plate. Restaurant portions can tend to be larger in size and boxing up half will help cut down on calories.
Don’t Let your Sweet Tooth Make Decisions
If you want to have something sweet, go for the lighter options. Possibly the portion size is ideal to split with someone or you can save half and take home.
Go for Quality Over Quantity
Having a quality experience rather than a large indulging experience will have you feeling successful and satisfied when leaving the restaurant and not guilty after your hard work for that week. Enjoying a meal outside can be positive when on a healthy weight journey when you follow these helpful tips.
by admin | Jan 22, 2018 | Health Awareness
Whether you are still on your weight loss journey or have successfully reached your healthy weight, it is important to know what you can do to maintain the healthy weight. Below are helpful tips from those who have successfully lost weight and maintained their goal weight.
Watch Your Diet
Follow a healthy eating plan and keep up the positive eating habits. Studies have shown that those who lost weight and maintained for almost a year continued to eat a diet that was low in calories compared to their diet prior to losing weight. When you feel yourself falling off course, try incorporating the same tools and habits you were having success with. For example, your food journal will not only help you regain focus but going back to meals you ate when losing weight may help. Life can never be planned so expect some setbacks but don’t get discouraged.
Keep the eating patterns well maintained and consistent, plan ahead for vacations, special occasions and even weekends. If you have a plan then it is more possible for you to have healthy foods included in case your routine changes.
Don’t Skip Breakfast
Those who have lost weight found breakfast was key. Jump start your metabolism for the day, avoid becoming too hungry or overeating later in the day.
Stay Active
Make sure to stay physically active. People who have maintained their weight mostly engage in about 60-90 minutes of physical activity on a regular basis while also keeping an eye on the calorie intake. Can’t commit to an hour of physical activity at one time? Adjust your activities to 20-30 minutes of exercise a couple times a day. Cardio is more effective when done in 30+ min increments.
Monitor the Weight
Check your weight regularly. It is a good idea to keep track of your weight loss so you can plan ahead accordingly and make the necessary adjustments in your activity and diet. This is helpful to keep your motivation and know if there is a setback, you will be able to take back control be able to get back on track successfully.
Get Support from Others
It is helpful for family and friends to continue to support you. Having a friend or a partner who is also trying to lose weight can help you stay motivated and actively focused.
by admin | Jan 19, 2018 | Health Awareness
When considering your eating habits, you may be able to determine what challenges you may be experiencing in losing weight with your daily diet. Most of these habits are developed early in the childhood but it is still never too late to make the changes needed to reach a healthy weight.
Making rapid and big changes to your eating habits may help in the short term to lose some weight, but it is not the most healthy or realistic long-term. To improve and change your eating habits for longer success and healthier management will need a thoughtful approach. This includes reflection of your current eating habits and replacing them with healthier choices and ways to keep maintaining those changes.
The process to improve your eating habits depends on three things: Reflect, Replace and Reinforce.
Initially and continuing into your healthier lifestyle, you will want to make a daily food journal of each day’s eating habits and water consumption as well as the times you are eating. This will help you study your habits closely. Use this diary as a guide to see where, what, and when you can make healthier choices. It is also good to note down how you were feeling when you decided to eat a specific something even when you weren’t hungry. Were you tired and stressed out?
By keeping a record of your eating habits, this helps you to take more control to overcome them. Some common habits that lead to weight gain are:
- Eating quickly
- Eating when not hungry
- Always finishing the plate
- Eating desserts
- Skipping meals
Common triggers to eating when not hungry are:
- Watching television while sitting at home
- Seeing your favorite snacks in the cabinet
- During a stressful situation or meeting
- Passing by your favorite drive-through in the morning
- Somebody offering a dish they made for you
- Feeling tired of bored and thinking food might help you feel better
Start looking at the unhealthy habits you have highlighted so far, observe the triggers that push you to develop such habits, and select some that you’d like to improve on first. Be proud of yourself for making even the smallest changes. You might also notice you have some good eating habits, encourage yourself and recognize the good ones and keep going.
Next is incorporating new healthy changes. Things you can ask yourself for example are, “What can I do to avoid this habit or situation?” or “What can I do as a healthier option?”. Perhaps removing unhealthy snacks from your cabinets or staying busy to be distracted from eating when bored.
Below are some healthy eating habits that you can include in your routine:
- Eat slowly instead of eating quickly
- Eat only when hungry and stop when full
- Plan the meals ahead of time to make sure you have a balanced healthy meal
- If you find yourself tempted to eat when bored or stressed out, try distracting yourself by going out for a walk or call up a friend
Keep your food journal as a daily reminder to stay focused. If you find yourself having that unhealthy choice, reflect on how to avoid that choice next time and reinforce for next time. Changes take effort and you will have moments that you may run off course, but don’t let it discourage you. Habits are hard to break and for new ones to develop, so be patient with yourself as you transition into your new daily regimen and be proud of the success that you have!
by admin | Jan 18, 2018 | Health Awareness
Physical activity is essential for a healthy body. Whether you are trying to reach a healthy weight or keep your current weight maintained it is even more important to indulge in regular physical activity.
Physical activity helps to burn the calories that are used by your body to create energy. By adding in physical activity to your daily routine and reducing the intake of the daily calories, this will help in achieving weight loss.
In addition to achieving weight loss, physical activity also lowers the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Some benefits of physical activity include:
- Reduce high blood pressure
- Maintain weight
- Lower risk of diabetes, heart attack, cancer and stroke
- Reduce the risks of osteoporosis and arthritis
- Reduce anxiety and depression
How much physical activity is needed?
The need for physical activity varies from person to person, below are some guidelines that can help:
If your goal is to maintain weight, regular physical activity can help. Start gradually and work up to around 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, out of which 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise should be included.
If you want to reach a healthy weight goal, not only will changes in diet be needed, but also incorporating a higher amount of physical exercise. It is important to consult with your physician before beginning any weight loss plan for your health and safety.
To incorporate physical activity in general, aim to do at least 30 min of moderate intensity physical activity on 5 of the 7 days a week. Adding in two sessions of muscle-strengthening activities per week is also helpful. Building muscle strength will help with weight loss.
What is moderate and vigorous physical activity?
If while exercising, your breathing and heart rate is faster than normal but you can carry a conversation properly then it is moderate physical activity. Some examples are:
- Playing with children
- Walking briskly for 15 minutes
- Biking at a casual speed
- Light yard work
If you are experiencing a very rapid breathing along with high heart rate that it is not possible to have a conversation then it is vigorous intensity physical activity. Some examples are:
- Jumping rope
- Swimming
- Jogging
- Running
- Competitive sports like basketball, football etc.
by admin | Jan 17, 2018 | Health Awareness
To lose weight, it is essential that there is not only proper commitment but an effective plan as well. Below is a helpful guide to get you started. Why wait, start today!
#1 Make a Commitment
Start by making a firm commitment to yourself. Some have found it helpful to sign a personally written contract that would include things like a goal date, the amount of weight to lose prior to that date, changes you will make in diet and a plan for physical activity.
Write down the reasons for you wanting to lose weight. Do you want to lose the weight because you want to feel and look good, wear your favorite clothes, or avoid family history conditions like diabetes or heart disease? When written down, these become a reminder for you to stay motivated and hold strong to your commitment.
#2 Measure Your Baseline & Build a Plan
It is important to consult with your doctor prior to beginning your weight loss journey. You will be able to not only have your current weight and height measured, but discuss any possible risk factors as well.
Be mindful that this is your plan personally and not everyone can be successful with the same plan. Consulting with your physician is the best first step to build and execute against a weight loss plan designed for you. Follow up appointments are good to help monitor your progression and ensure you are having a healthy weight loss.
Journal your daily diet. Keeping track of everything you eat and drink is such a powerful part of losing weight. This will keep you stay aware of what you are taking in which will lead you to avoid unnecessary eating. Plan some locations that you can do physical activity like a community gym or park to go walking so you can best plan when and where.
Consider your current lifestyle and see if there are things that may be roadblocks for you to lose weight that you can change. Various factors may come up like, do your work hours make it hard for you get involved in physical activity? Do you eat sugary foods often because you buy it for your kids? Do your colleagues bring high calorie items to the workplace for everybody? See if there are ways to avoid situations or make changes to help your journey and stay focused.
#3 Set Realistic Goals
When you begin, it is suggested to begin with short term achievable goals and focus on just two or three at a time. Examples are a 15-minute walk daily or including a salad instead of french fries as the side.
Reaching short term goals based on making small changes daily can eventually lead to creating and reaching bigger goals. Make the goals achievable. If you start with harder unrealistic goals like losing 20 pounds too quickly, this becomes overwhelming and causes discouragement.
Life happens, so be prepared that there will be times you derail from your plans. Various reasons like longer work hours, celebrations, or holidays may be a few examples, but don’t become discouraged. Instead, reflect and see if the same scenario presents itself again, is there a way to better plan and avoid a setback?
#4 Look for Information and Support
Lean on friends and family that will be supportive of your weight loss and provide motivation when needed. Making these lifestyle changes becomes much easier if you have others around you that you can rely on for support and talk to.
Other ways to stay motivated are to research and find how you can incorporate more health conscience habits, diet ideas, or new physical activities. You may also find that visiting a weight loss professional or joining a weight loss group can also motivate and help you.
#5 Check In to Monitor Your Progress
Continue revisiting the previously set up goals and monitor your progress. Evaluate which parts of the plan work well for you and see if there are others that might need some tweaking. For example, if you are having trouble in meeting your goal of going for a walk early in the morning due to work, then adjust the goal to go for a walk during your work break or later during the day when you are free. Continue rewriting your plans to what suits you best and has successful outcomes. If you are successful achieving your desired goals, then you may want to try and add additional goals or make the current goals more challenging.
When you meet your goals, be proud of the progress you have made and reward yourself. You may decide to go out with friends, take a relaxing bath or buy yourself a bouquet of fresh flowers. Doing so will keep you motivated and happy.