High blood pressure or hypertension can be very dangerous especially since you may not have any specific signs or symptoms. High blood pressure results in almost 1000 deaths daily with the first symptom sometimes being a heart attack or a stroke.

Blood pressure is measured in units called millimeters of mercury, written as (mm Hg). The top number represents the highest pressure of the blood when the heart contracts while the bottom number represents the lowest pressure of the blood when the heart is in a state of expansion. Hypertension is a condition when the measured blood pressure is 140/30 or higher. If the blood pressure rises above this given range it can result in serious complications like a stroke, heart disease, kidney damage and even loss of vision.

Here we have helpful tips on how to manage your blood pressure?

How to Measure Blood Pressure Correctly:

If you have tried testing your own blood pressure at home, you may have noticed it is never an accurate number and keeps fluctuating and changing at various times of the day. Below are some tips to help you measure your blood pressure as accurately as when you visit your physician office.

  • Empty your bladder before you measure your blood pressure
  • Do not consume alcohol, caffeine or tobacco at least half an hour prior to measuring your blood pressure
  • Sit in a comfortable position and make sure your back is supported
  • Rest for five minutes before measuring and avoid talking during the test
  • Wrap the cuff so that it is snug but have enough room to insert one finger under the cuff
  • Place the left arm on something that it is almost at level with your heart like on a desk or a table

How You Can Lower Blood Pressure

Making a few lifestyle changes can play a big role in controlling blood pressure. This can include cutting down the salt intake in food, eating plant-based diets, not smoking, managing stress, implementing exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. Some suggestions are:

Eat Fish:

Fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are helpful in reducing blood pressure.

Eat Apples

The peels of apples are rich in cholesterol lowering fiber which is linked to inhibit the growth of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. This enzyme is mainly responsible for the constriction of blood vessels causing high blood pressure.

Be Mindful:

Remain mindful, regular meditation can help deal with hypertension which has been proven by conducted studies. Being mindful includes focusing in the present moment to feeling the sensations of touch, sound and smell and not be anxious about the future or wavering over the past.




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