Stem Cell Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction In Florida

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common medical condition that affects a considerable number of males. It entails the inability to get or maintain an erection long enough to have sexual intercourse. In this article, we will cover one avenue of stem cell therapy and how it can help patients with erectile dysfunction in Florida.

The causes of ED are multifactorial, and in many cases, physicians are unable to pinpoint the exact cause of this condition.

Overall, ED could be classified into two categories; the first one involves an underlying medical condition that causes the blood flow to get interrupted (e.g. chronic blood hypertension).

The second category, which is by far the most common, is known as a psychogenic erectile dysfunction. In other words, it is the result of mental issues, such as stress, low self-esteem, and other social factors.

While the second category can be treated with psychotherapy and some forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), organic erectile dysfunction is quite a hassle to deal with.

In fact, even if the underlying condition gets treated, there is no guarantee that physiological erection will be restored.

Additionally, most of the pharmacological drugs prescribed carry some serious adverse effects, especially if used for a prolonged period of time.

In this article, we will cover an emerging, cutting-edge technology that has massive potential in the treatment of ED –stem cell therapy–.

Stem cell therapy and erectile dysfunction

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy involves the injection of mesenchymal stem cells in an attempt to regenerate the damaged tissue and potentially restore normal function.

Stem cells have the ability to differentiate to any type of cells, which revolutionized the field of medicine since they allow us to bring potential outcomes to manage symptoms and progression for some degenerative conditions.

How does this therapy help with erectile dysfunction?

In the case of erectile dysfunction, the physician will take a blood sample from your vein. He/she will then isolate the platelets to produce what’s known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

PRP has several physiological roles, including the stimulation of growth factors and cellular differentiation, as well as the acceleration of the tissue-repair process.

Once the PRP is ready, your provider will inject the solution into the penis after applying local anesthesia. Moreover, stem cells are also combined with the PRP to produce the most potent response possible.

In short, this miraculous solution will promote tissue repair and regeneration, and in the case of erectile dysfunction, the main target of this therapy is the blood vasculature, which is the main problem with this condition.

For this reason, the infamous drug sildenafil (Viagra) is prescribed for patients with ED since it induces vasodilation (blood vessel expansion) of the penile vasculature.

For those seeking a non-prescription solution, stem cell therapy is an alternative option. After undergoing stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction, patients often report seeing results in the following 48 hours!

This therapy may help reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction for up to a year and possibly longer. Depending on the individual’s lifestyle, physiology, and level of condition or when the effect fades away, additional treatments may be needed.


The field of stem cell therapy is exhilarating! Researchers can’t even start to fathom the number of potential therapeutic uses of this technique.

In this article, we covered one avenue of stem cell therapy and how it can help patients with erectile dysfunction.

If you are located in Florida or nearby cities and you’re interested in receiving this therapy, Contact us today for a free consultation & for more information.

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